Conditional Acceptances
No Controversy No Case
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Here is a video version of this page:
Before reading this page, know that it is supposed to be read after reading and digesting the information on the home page and other previous pages, (see page index in the top right hand corner and my YouTube/Bitchute videos) and actually should be read after reading through my foundation notes, but is shared here for times of emergency*
Lockdown Shenanigans
Since I was fined for standing by a bench a couple of weeks ago, at time of writing, in January 2021, by two policy enforcement officers, aka police, who thought they were members of the gestapo, or Stasi, in Nazi Germany, I've decided to write this Web page (you'll see the notice of fine they sent me further down the page and how I got rid of it). This website is only for myself, so that I have something to refer to, because when you're put on the spot it's hard to remember everything, so when I say "you" know that I really mean "I" or "me", also this is not legal advice, since I'm not legally qualified and am not interested in rules of a corporation anyway, I'm only interested in law.
If this is helpful to you too, then that's also good, although I can't tell you what to do and cannot recommend you do anything, in fact I recommend you don't do anything, that you don't thoroughly understand first, although learning experiences only come from having experiences to learn from in the first place of course. But as I say below, win the war before it's fought, that means preparation is everything!
Winning the war before it's fought
The contract defines the law, stop being tricked into agreement with unlawful, but legal contracts, in the lower statutory law form. Define your contract now in a higher law form such as commercial law.
Get your adversary into agreement rather than disagreeing with them and creating controversy (in a court of law, if there is no controversy then there is no case)
A conditional acceptance creates agreement on your own terms, not theirs. (To provide proof on a point by point basis for example).
Matthew 5:25 - Agree with thine adversary quickly, whilst thou art in the way with him, lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer (court bailiff) and thou be cast into prison:
The meaning of this will become clearer as we go on.
First let's understand contract.
When we break down that word we have the Latin prefix 'con' meaning with, that tells us that a contract involves more than one party.
Then we have the suffix 'tract' which, to be brief, is an action word - put these together and we see that contracts are defined by the actions and interactions between two or more parties, because contracts are fluid and changing.
Contracts are basically governed by international, maritime, admiralty law, which is the law of the sea or the law merchant/mercantile law, which has been extended to land and is international, as it has to be, because it governs commerce and trade (think of ships travelling to other countries with cargo that has already been bought by someone across the sea, or to sell at market).
But this commercial law actually governs our every interaction, in any situation involving another party the status in the relationship is being defined by the actions and interactions between the parties.
So if you think of a policy enforcement officer (police) as an example, they will usually ask you for your name, then if you give it to them you have just established that they are higher status in this interaction and relationship.
Hmmm, as I write this a nursery rhyme springs to mind involving sheep, "yes sir, no sir, 3 bags full".
Anyway, when participating in commerce we always want to stay in honour, and if anyone is going to be dishonorable, let that be the other party. So the way we stay in honour is by taking responsibility, so if there is an alleged debt we want to accept it, we want to accept every contract offer, but we also want to keep our status while doing so. This is what we need to learn how to do, more on this in a bit.
In the example of the interaction of the policy enforcement officers I gave above, the role is reversed to how it should be, because they are a public servant and we are a member of the public, therefore they are there to serve us.
When I say that, I don't mean in a derogatory sense, I just mean they are there to help us, if we know how to act. It's not our fault as we have been trained by the schooling system, or the public fooling system as I like to call it, by those with the money, i.e. the banking families, to act in the opposite way to what we should. We have been programmed into a habitual way of lifestyle where we just "do as we're told, bite your lip, don't answer back and don't ask questions," especially of so-called authority. Well I'm here to tell you, the authority is within, or since law comes from the Bible, as Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven [authority] is within". And the thing is, the police have gone through the same schooling system too, so they also believe what they've been taught.
Also as a policy enforcement officer, they have been taught to enforce statutes or acts of law (a statute is defined as 'a legislative rule of society which has the force of law', they are given the force of law by our consent - which goes back to our conduct, how we act being the most important thing here, once again).
They enforce these acts of law because the government has told them to, being that the government owes trillions of pounds worth of money to the international bankers - that's the national debt. Obviously statutes are also there to stop accidents, if there was no consequence for jumping red lights for instance, irresponsible people would do just that and cause harm to others, so if we didn't have irresponsible people we probably wouldn't need them, and acting responsibly is part of staying in honour.
This national debt has an interest rate of more than £5120 per second, so, as I have said, the only thing government can do about this problem, is to decrease expenditure i.e. make cuts, or to increase income, hence why we now even have a coronavirus fine, as they try to come up with more and more ways to collect revenue towards the national debt.
Now, back to my example above, the officer, by asking for your name, was the one with the higher status because by asking the question they are the one acting as King, asking = as King, this however is only an offer, remember I said all interactions define the contract?
Well they are trying to define the contract here, with you in the subordinate role. Your actions, your answer, determines if you accept that role.
If you give them your name you have accepted the lower status in the contract/relationship, if you refuse to give them your name you have also accepted the lower status in the relationship, sounds confusing?
Let me explain.
I said before that we want to stay in honour by accepting all offers, I also said we want to keep our status intact when we accept, so how do we do that? All will become clear below.
The 4 Paths - Or 4 Responses
Since contracts are defined by your actions, they are fluid, changeable in the moment, they are mutable. That's why this page may be the single most important thing you learn on this website, because even if you correct your status on paper, what you do after the fact can undo all the good work you did on paper and diminish your status which can potentially land you in big trouble. This is why I say not to do anything without first understanding fully what you are doing and why I recommend you read this page many times. One of the people I learnt this from in the first place, ended up being sentenced to around 10 years in prison in America where he always lived, because of his own errors in not following these principles well enough in fact, in my opinion, which goes to show the importance of what I am about to share, although he did make himself a target, as he was very well known, so couldn't afford to slip up.
Your 4 Options:
There are only ever 4 ways, or 4 options you ever have, to respond to an offer, whether physically, by your actions, verbally, or on paper, and whether that offer is a fine, imprisonment, or any other 'benefit' they want to offer you, all of the 4 responses are equal to acceptance/agreement:
1) Silence
2) Acceptance/Agreement
3) Refusal
4) Conditional Acceptance
The 4 Responses - Breakdown
Let's now go into detail with each of the 4 above responses:
1) Silence.
When we are read our "rights" by police, they say
"You do not have to say anything. But, it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence."
Do you notice that when someone is arrested they are asked to make a statement?
This is because your statement can be used as evidence - against yourself, you just became your own witness. Also, the main thing you need to know here is that if you remain silent you also accept any offers that were made (remember I said you are defining your status by your actions? Well that also includes inactions)
Silence is acceptance by tacit acquiescence, tacit procurement, because there was no rebuttal of the presumptions made.
2) You can just accept, meaning you accept everything at face value, all terms and conditions offered, implicitly or explicitly, implied or spoken, and there are lots of presumptions that go along with accepting things undefined at face value, all working against you, especially with interactions involving police officers, and not just from their side either, but on both sides, all helped by our societal programming. Your acceptance could be demonstrated physically, for example by doing as a policeman or woman tells you to do, but if they have a gun pointed at you, or there is some other threat of violence, I suggest you do as they say, as we can always correct or redefine our status again later remember.
3) Refuse, rebuke, argue, reject, protest etc.
By doing these above things you are arguing, you are creating controversy, something the courts need to be able to intervene, the courts cannot intervene into your affairs unless you allow them to by creating controversy, because no controversy = no case.
Two of the four legs a court case needs to stand on are two opposing parties (they can't after all intervene in an argument with yourself can they, lol).
Here's the other thing, by arguing, protesting etc, you're actually agreeing and, once again showing that the other party is the higher authority in the relationship.
Think of a child refusing to go to bed, they know they will eventually have to go to bed, they're just arguing and crying about it, but in the end mummy or daddy always wins. The other thing about this is that making a statement is taking a position, a stance, and whoever is making the claim has to prove it, but if you're asking questions, there's no stance being taken and therefore nothing you need to prove.
Now instead imagine a King, do you think a King would act this way? Or would a King just laugh and ask don't you know who I am?
4) You can accept with your own terms and conditions, or what's known as a conditional acceptance.
For instance, using the above example again "I'll be happy to give you my name upon condition that you provide evidence of a crime or an injured party". Or you could just ask "have I committed a crime?" or "am I obliged to give you my name?" or if you just want to get out of there you could just ask "are you detaining me or am I free to go?". If they say to you "if you don't give me your name I will arrest you", then you can conditionally accept that offer "I'm happy for you to arrest me if you agree to pay me £5,000 + £200.00 per hour that I am detained." or just "it'll cost you £5,000 + £200.00 per hour if you do that". (it also helps if you've already got an affidavit in place detailing that and other facts, because of the maxim 'an unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce', remember I said it's all contract offers? Yep, it's all commerce, it's our job to stay in honour by keeping trade going as we traverse the seas of commerce in our person/vessel which is our persona/corporation - the full capital letter name corporation that is open to all contracts and all business, for the sake of lowering the national debt while we operate as am ambassador in the bankruptcy of the United Kingdom corporation. We do after all want to help, right?).
A conditional acceptance creates agreement on your own terms, this would be, as well as how we want to respond in face to face interactions, also how we want to respond to any offer we receive through the post too. For example, if we receive a corona fine for instance, I would reply with something like this, and you'll see how I responded in real life on paper further down:
Thank you for your letter alleging that I owe £100, I'd be happy to pay any money that I do owe. In order for me to do so, please provide me with the following proof of claim:
1) That the Bill of Rights 1689*, which states that "all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void" has been repealed
2) The Magna Carta clause 38 which states that "no official shall place a man on trial upon his own unsupported statement, without producing credible witnesses to the truth of it" has also been repealed.
3) That there is a man that is claiming I owe him a debt.
4) Verified proof that there is a court ruling ordering that i pay you anything.
If you cannot provide evidence of the above on a point by point basis, within 7 days from receipt of this notice, then you agree that there is none and that this debt is illegal and void.
Any further correspondence from yourselves regarding this matter which does not contain the above proof required in order for me to pay any debt that i may owe, and; since you are making a claim for £100, any documents sent to me regarding this matter that does not contain all the above listed items will be charged at a rate of £100 per document. Any visits to where i live will be charged at a rate of £5,000 per visit. This is non negotiable.
(and since I've already sent an affidavit to the Prime Minister which still to this day stands as unrebutted and an unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce - this is an offer of contract remember, so this is commerce, then I might also add:
"You also agree to pay me damages of £5000.00 for making a false claim against me, as already agreed in my unrebutted affidavit sent to the prime minister detailing my fee schedule on such and such date." or I might skip this part.)
Yours sincerely [name]
without prejudice*
But hopefully by now you can see the reason why we always want to respond with a conditional acceptance and to accept all offers (but on our own terms)
Alternatively, and to add extra weight to your Notice, You can add an affidavit at the bottom as follows, remember I said an unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce? Well, presuming you are acting honourably, are causing no damage, loss or harm to another, are telling the truth and acting responsibly, then this is your trump card, a well written affidavit overrides anything in law and having 3 signatures, one of which is your own, is a tribunal and private international judgment in commerce. As it states in the Bible again, under '2 Corinthians 13:1', in the King James Version: "This is the third time I am coming to you. In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established."
And under 'Matthew 18:16', King James Version: "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established."
(I've done one in the past with not just 3 signatures, including my own, but 3 independent witnesses, as seen further down below, click here to skip ahead):1. Not to be confused with the American Bill of Rights which was over 100 years later.
2. Means cannot be used as evidence in court.
Covid-19[84] Fine Received
Below is a copy of the Coronavirus fine I received (i've taken my name and address off of the following documents, as I don't want unwanted attention from randoms at my address obviously, lol)
This is what happened after, when coming back from the supermarket, I stopped by a bench which I had placed my shopping bag on in order to look at my phone. My end of the bench was empty, but as I got to the bench, another man wanted to sit down on the bench, so was polite enough to ask first, at which point we spoke briefly for about 2 seconds. This is when the police came in and said to me "what are you doing standing by a bench?" I kid you not! My reply to this was, at the same time as naturally laughing, "what do you mean what am I doing standing by a bench, is that against the law!?"
They said "we saw you talking to that man, that's against the coronavirus regulations", to which it replied "I'm not interested in regulations I asked you if it's against the law" and they said "you need a valid excuse to be out of your house" or something along those lines, which made me laugh even more and I replied "what is this Nazi Germany?" the discourse continued with me asking questions like this for a while, in fact the next thing they said to me was something like "if you don't give us a valid reason for being out of your house we're going to fine you", to which I replied, "well you can see my shopping bag there, but go ahead if you want to fine me, I'd love to see that one stand up in court" after which they replied "we don't believe you, so we're going to issue you with a fine under coronavirus regulations" or something and then they fined me. I don't think they liked me laughing at them, as they didn't seem to see the same humour in the situation that I did, lol. I gave them my details as I thought it'd be a good example to use for this website. Plus, sometimes it's necessary in life, to lose the battle so to speak, in order to win the war, and although I knew this changes my status, or gives them the upper hand in the moment, because status is, or contracts are fluid, I can easily change my status back by redifining the contract with a conditional acceptance, in other words, correct it in writing later, which is exactly what I did as you'll see in a minute.
Here's the fine I received:




Ideally, with any fines we are given, we actually want to pay them, and since the gold and silver has been removed and our signature is the money now, it won't cost us anything except some ink and a few calories and postage to settle this debt (by Royal Mail signed for).
This is actually money of substance too and our paying in this way benefits the whole globe at it lowers the national debt of our country. There is a lot of understanding to do with bills of exchange, which is what we turn this piece of paper or any other bill for a debt into once we sign it. I encourage you to read the Bills of Exchange Act 1882:
or if you are in America or Canada you'll also have your own country's Bills of Exchange Act, and there's also the UCC - the Uniform Commercial Code which governs the International Law Merchant (merchant/mercantile law) to help forward your understanding. (see the books further down).
Here is the response I sent to the fine, I haven't received a response in over 13 days, at time of writing, since sending this response; even though their letter was dated 2nd Feb and they gave me two weeks (read the four pages above this)

Here's the template of the above response in docx format:
Here is their response, received today on 15th March 2021 around 3pm, which is over 4 weeks later:

Here's the government website they directed me to about my Single Justice Procedure Notice, which (at time of writing) i await eagerly:
Their response letter above only proves one thing, we live with a tyrannical government, which means one that doesn't follow the laws. Actually it proves two things, the other is that i would have been better off sending the first letter they sent me back with 'no contract - return to sender' written on the front.
Update - Case Closed
i received the following letter today, 30/12/21 in response to my ignoring the threat of court from ACRO (Criminal Records Office) as already detailed above, about my coronavirus fine (Fixed Penalty Notice), I wasn't expecting to hear back from them after they said i'll be hearing from the court when i sent them a one page conditional Acceptance. But instead, today, i get a letter saying they're taking no further action as shown here:

The Crown Prosecution Service has now admitted - in response to a Freedom of Information request - that "all offences charged under the Coronavirus Act were incorrectly charged":
That's exactly what i've done in the past with fines, i even had one which went to a magistrates court and was inflated to £550! All i did with that was the same, i wrote 'no contract return to sender' on the front and sent it back to them. Here's what i did with the census that recently came round:

The meaning of "complete"
It's funny they use the phrase
"It is an offence to supply false information or to not complete the census, and you could be fined up to £1,000." on the census envelope, because when we look at the definition of complete at this website:
It says:
to finish something"
So, if i don't start filling out the census form in the first place, then i can't get fined for not finishing it can i.
Here is a very interesting letter from the Office of National Statistics in regards to the legislation (not law) governing the census:
Man vs Householder etc
You'll notice the legislation refers to a householder, resident and person, never a man or woman, this is why we should only ever identify ourself as a man or woman. Let's look up those words in Black's online law dictionary to find out some of their legal definitions, I say some because you'll usually find different definitions in different dictionaries.
"The difference between a residence and a domicile may not be capable of easy definition; As they are used in the New York Code of Procedure, the terms "residence" and "resident" mean legal residence; and legal residence is the place of a man's fixed habitation, where his political rights are to be exercised, and where he is liable to taxation."
"The word "inhabitant" implies a more fixed and permanent abode than does "resident;" and a resident may not be entitled to all the privileges or subject to all the duties of an inhabitant."
"House" is not synonymous with "dwelling- house." While the former is used in abroader and more comprehensive sense than the latter, it has a narrower and morerestricted meaning than the word "building." State v. Garity, 46 N. H. 61.In the devise of a house, the word "house" is synonymous with "messuage," and conveys all that comes within the curtilage. Rogers v. Smith, 4 I'a. 93.2. A legislative assembly, or (where the bi ameral system obtains) one of the two branches of the legislature; as the "house of lords," "house of representatives." Also a quorum of a legislative body.
The name "house" is also given to some collections of meu other than legislative bodies, to some public institutions, and (colloquially) to mercantile firms or joint-stock companies.
"What is MESSUAGE?
This term is now synonymous with "dwelling-house," but had once a more extended signification. It is frequently used in deeds, in describing the premises. Marmet Co. v. Archibald, 37 W. Va. 778, 17 S. E. 300; Grimes v. Wilson, 4 Blackf. (Ind.) 333; Derby v. Jones, 27 Me. 300; Davis v. Lowden, 50 N. J. Eq. 126, 38 Atl. 648. Although the word "messuage" may, there is no necessity that it must, import more than the word "dwelling-house," with which word it is frequently put in apposition and used synonymously. 2 Bing. N. C. 017. In Scotland. The principal dwelling- house within a barony. Bell."
The enclosed space of ground and buildings immediately surrounding a dwelling-house. In its most comprehensive and proper legal signification, it includes all that space of ground and buildings thereon which is usually enclosed within the general fence immediately surrounding a principal messuage and outbuildings, and yard closely adjoining to a dwelling-house, but it may be large enough for cattle to be levant and couchant therein."
"What is QUORUM?
When a committee, board of directors, meeting of shareholders, legisla- tive or other body of persons cannot act unless a certain number at least of them are present, that number is called a "quorum." Sweet. In the absence of any law or rule fixing the quorum, it consists of a majority of those entitled to act."
Another word mentioned is building, which has a more straightforward definition:
"What is BUILDING?
A structure or edifice erected by the hand of man, composed of natural materials, as stone or wood, and intended for use or convenience."
Censeless Harassment?
What is the Protection from Harassment Act 1997?
The Protection from Harassment Act 1997 prohibits the pursuit of a "course of conduct which amounts to harassment of another..."
"In Hayden v Dickenson [2020] EWHC 3291 (QB) Mr Justice Nicklin extracted the following principles from the leading cases as to what amounts to harassment:
Harassment is a persistent and deliberate course of unacceptable and oppressive conduct, targeted at another person, which is calculated to and does cause that person alarm, fear or distress
The behaviour must reach a level of seriousness beyond irritations, annoyances, even a measure of upset, that arise occasionally in everybody's day-to-day dealings with other people.
The conduct must cross the boundary between unattractive, and even unreasonable, and conduct which is oppressive and unacceptable.
The gravity must be of a level which would sustain criminal liability. A course of conduct must be grave before harassment is proved.
Any course of conduct which causes alarm or distress does not automatically amount to harassment.
The person ought to know that it involves harassment of another.
If a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct involved harassment. The test is objective. It's not swayed by the feelings of the claimant
Those who are subject to the harassment can include others who are foreseeably, and directly, harmed by the conduct of which complaint is made, so they can be described as victims of it."
Also I've noticed that the census people, no matter how many times I send the form back just keep sending me a new one, that's as well as sending someone round every day to ring my buzzer, which is well more than two occasions, more like seven so far, now take a look at this:
"Harassment is conduct that causes alarm or distress, and a course of conduct must involve such conduct on at least two occasions."
So here's what i wrote on the back of the third census they've sent me to return to sender:
I have since told one of these people to stop stop ringing my buzzer, and after them ringing it every day for a few weeks or something, I haven't had them call round for over a week now.
Parking Fines etc
I have helped get rid of many debt collectors for parking fines using a conditional acceptance. Head on over to the dealing-with-bailiffs page to learn more about debt collectors. Also if you wish to get rid of council PCNs, head over to my PCN page, or if it is just a private parking company issuing a fine, then head over to the page about writing notices. The page index should be found in the top right hand corner of each page.
We also have Common Law of the Land, which is actually much simpler to understand and apply. To use this approach for a fine, you can write something really simple, like "is there a man or woman that's gonna come forward to claim that i owe him or her a debt? If so I'll be happy to pay them".
Then there's the John Harris method shown above, which is to simply write on an envelope:
"No contract
Return to sender" and post it back. The only thing with this is you will still get debt collectors knocking on your door. Which is why i have a notice on my door outlining the law, also found on my dealing-with-bailiffs page.
Here is the claim of right and affidavit, to send to the prime minister, that i mentioned. It, like all commercial processes, comes in the form of 3 notices.
1) Notice of Claim
2) Notice of fault and opportunity to cure
3) Notice of default (a private default judgment):
The following document can replace the first notice above, if you just want a standard affidavit to use, with no claim of right or fee schedule etc added:
An affidavit is the highest possible authority in law, because it is a [wo]man's word, and word is bond/oath/promise, a promise to pay is money remember, it replaced the gold, so it is 'as good as gold'. The same goes for witness testimony obviously.
To further your understanding of English foundational law, i recommended reading this book:
Layman's Guide to the English Constitution by David Barnby £30.00

And also this book by Robert Arthur Menard:

If you'd like to see how i and some of my family have actually charged companies money for their errors (templates and process available for purchase), then head on over to my Notice Writing page:
Here are some more interesting books on the Law Merchant (international, commercial, maritime admiralty law of commerce). I haven't read any of these books, but I couldn't seem to find the in depth one that I have read.
But maybe you'll find my T-shirt designs (link found further down), more interesting, lol.
Enforcement of Maritime Claims (Lloyd's Shipping Law Library) by Informa Law from Routledge £191.87 +£2.99 delivery (RRP £400):

The Merchant's Almanac of 1622, Or, Lex Mercatoria, the Ancient Law-Merchant: A Reference Book for All Trades and Professions Engaged in Domestic and International Commerce by Metheglin Press £95.00 + £2.80 delivery:

An Essay on the Early History of the Law Merchant by Cambridge University Press £15.99
FREE Delivery in the UK:

The Merchants' Law Book: Being A Treatise On The Law (1831)
& FREE Delivery:

The Bills of Exchange ACT, 1890: Being a Codification of the Law-Merchant Respecting Bills of Exchange, Cheques, and Promissory Notes, with Explanator
by Gale, Making of Modern Law £18.99
& FREE Delivery:

The Law Merchant and Negotiable Instruments in Colonial New York, 1664 to 1730 by The Lawbook Exchange, Ltd. £18.95
FREE Delivery in the UK:

The Law Merchant Vs. The Law Of Politicians... by Nabu Press
FREE Delivery in the UK:

The merchants' law book: being a treatise on the law of account render, attachment, bailment, bills of exchange and promissory notes, carriers, insurance ... by many thousand judicial decisions, Hard press (PDF) £2.55:


Novelty - Law Based T-Shirts and Merchandise Available:
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