IRS OID (Restricted) 

Claiming Back Original Issue

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How To Reclaim 80 - 90% of All Electronic Bank Outgoings AKA The OID Process

First of all this is not tax or legal advice, nor is anything else on this site. Therefore you assume all responsibility and liability for your own actions. Secondly, if you should decide to purchase access to the process page, please note that it is private and not to be shared with anyone else. Bear in mind that I could make the whole process on that page, where you learn how to claim back all electronic funds that have left your bank account(s) a secret, by simply getting you to fill out forms with the relevant information, so that you'd never learn from me how it's done, you'd simply receive a payment from me each year once I process the forms for you minus my percentage. Maybe I will do it this way in the future, meaning if you are here reading this now, and ready to proceed, then you are one of the chosen few, as it won't be here forever.

Therefore, if you have anyone else interested in this, please make sure they also pay the one off fee, so that I can continue offering the information in this way (by sharing the complete process)

What Does OID Mean and What is the OID Process?

OID or Original Issue Discount, is a procedure, filed with the IRS for claiming back original or principal issue, but what does that mean?

Well first of all we have to understand (or overstand/ withstand/innerstand) a couple of things;

1. That money comes from mankind, only man can give something value, because man is the creator of government and corporations and also of tools. That's why our word is bond, because if we promise to pay something, our word is as good as gold, because we can go out and create something to settle our promise to pay. That's why only man can create money and that is also how. This is why the banks actually owe us money, but they have done a good job of pulling the wool over our eyes and determining what we are taught in the schools to ensure that this information is kept secret from us.

2. That banking utilises double entry book keeping. The ledger of a bank, in this double entry book keeping, always has to balance back to zero. This is because the system we operate in is actually bankruptcy, otherwise the books would have credit rather than balancing back to zero. So now you should understand what original issue means, since mankind is what gives money value, our signature being a representation of that value which is our promise to pay. Since our promise to pay gives money value, as there is no longer any gold or silver backing it, we are what gives the banks the power to create money, so you could say we, mankind, is the originator, or original issuer, of money.
3. The IRS is an administrative arm of the US Treasury, which is based in the capital Washington DC, where they have Capitol Hill, Congress and of course The White House. The capital of Rome was called Capitoline Hill, very similar in name. The treasuries of most countries are linked to the IMF (the International Monetary Fund) because of the national debt, the BIS (bank of International Settlement) in Switzerland, is the Vatican's bank and is where all the Nazi gold is said go have gone. Where is the Vatican of course, yep, it's in Rome. Hopefully you're beginning to see some connections between Rome and the USA and therefore can see the connection to London too. If not I suggest going to my "how money works page" to wach the video about Rome on there. Rome are the bankers of today, everything goes through Rome, so using an American agency to claim back our money shouldn't be such a big leap for your mind once you can see these connections. I could also talk about papul bulls here and King John handing ovet England to the pope in exchange for gold to pay his debts, but I'll just leave this part here.

Fractional Reserve Banking 

If you've read the Federal Reserves PDF publication called Modern Money Mechanics, or if you've watched videos that explain that publication and talk about fractional reserve banking, I think Zeitgeist is one of them, here's one:

then you'll already know that banks legally, only have to have in their reserves, 10% of what they lend out. What this means is that 90% of what they lend out is air, computer digits, fake, non-existant, call how you like, it sounds a lot like fraud to me.

And it's nothing new, it's been going on for centuries, look:

Fractional reserve banking, along with the interest charged on loans, and manipulation of the money supply, is the cause of inflation and depressions. The other thing is of course, what happens if the banks suddenly stopped loaning money out and called in all their debts? Well let's think herez they loaned noney out, 90% of which didn't exist, if all the money in the world was collected and given to the banks there'd still be 90% missing, because they created it out of thin air! Or did they? Well either way, this is how people lose their homes and posessions, becaude there's not enough money to go round to cover the debt created in this way, so this is how banks are so rich, becauee they loaned next to nothing and get a lot of people's posessions who can't afford to "pay back" something that wasn't even lent in the first place, so they literally get something from nothing, that's literally magic. It's more than alchemy, because with alchemy you have to start with something before you can change it into something, they started with nothing! They just typed some numbers on a screen, that's how it is since the gold and silver were removed from the equation. Well what if I told you that not only did you create the money into existence when you borrowed it, but actually the bank owes you that 90% by doing so? They didn't teach us that in school did they?! Here's another way of putting it. Legal tender, isn't backed by anything but the faith of the people. What gives the money value is the owner of the goods or services handed over after the money is handed over, or the faith the people have that they will be provided by doing so. Money can't be eaten, it is simply a means of exchange, money is the middle man, it's the things it can be exchanged for that give it value which are all made or owned by people, yet for some reason, banks, even though the only service they provide is storage, transfer and bookkeeping of your money, have been given the power to control the money supply, and to increase it in quantity. I wonder who gave them that power, well that's a history rabbit hole right there, but let's just say they gave it to themselves, and forgot to tell us that we actually have more power than them. Well the secret's out now and that's what this process is about. Since everything these days is not gold or silver and money is created out of thin air and because we are the ones who actually create it, we get to claim back that 90% of it, leaving the banks 10% to create the same amount again anyway, and because we are claiming it back, the next year the banks don't have to wait 3 years after which time they claim it anyway as "abandoned funds" because you didn't claim it because you didn't know you could untio now, so it's win/win, the banks get the money sooner and can therefore create more out of thin air and we also get our money due to us rather than letting it go solely to the banks.

OK, So What Is The Discount For?

Dis-count, to discount something, means something is not to be counted, but counted for what? Well, since all money today, since 1931 in the UK and 1933 in America is debt, or a promise to pay, and since that's when they took the substance out of banking, meaning legal tender is no longer redeemable in gold or silver, you could say that we are designating money that is to be discounted as debt, because it is being returned to the original issuer. And since banks can't create money, only mankind can create money, meaning whoever operated in commerce through the bank, because the bank simply balances the books and adds numbers digitally to accounts, whether from loan agreements, mortgages, or by transfers from other bank accounts in the case of wages being paid in etc, whoever fills out the IRS forms correctly in order to have the principal (original issue) returned to them is a man or woman and is the original issuer or creditor/creator. Because the signature on these negotiable, or sometimes non-negotiable, instruments is what created the money, so they are the people entitled to have the value of the principal returned to them. (You'll see which forms i'm talking about further down). That's my theory anyway, but what do i know? I'm not qualified legally to give legal or tax advice, so I can only theorise... If you want the legal meaning, you can look it up on the IRS website (mostly by reading the relevant form instructions) or ask a tax professional.
But the bank is holding bank funds in escrow for three years and if they remain unclaimed, they get to keep them, so it's not in their interests to tell you that you can fill out the relevant forms to reclaim this money, since banks are there to earn themselves money and to keep the people enslaved using inflation, which keeps prices increasing over time and therefore the value of money decreasing over time, meaning longer hours having to be worked for less pay (9-5 has only been a standard since after the industrial revolution, people worked less hours for hundreds to thousands of years previously, this is why history is important and why we're not taught it in school)
Anyway,  like I say, that's my own theory, from the understanding that i currently have and is not a legal opinion.
Now we come to the part where we learn the practical steps. I advise writing these steps down on a piece of paper (starting with everything below that comes before the details about the forms), before actually doing the steps, because otherwise you'll end up repeating something in two occasions, where you could have done it in one. You'll understand why there is also a charge for revealing this process to you, not only because it is not something for everybody, the path of the Jedi is for the few after all, not the many (and this is why it is a prequisite that you have read my Foundation Notes before proceeding to the process page, so of you haven't requested them already send me an email - see 'contact' page) but also because obviously you only have to learn this process once for it to be used again, and for more than 100% return on investment to be received by you, if you coubt the fact you'll be using this for many years to come, to escape wage slavery. I could also charge a lot more for teaching this process considering that fact and that you'll probably even see much more than 100% ROI every time you use it. Speaking of which, here is the first cheque I got from them in 2015, not sure why there are two amounts on it, but the amount I received was the one written in bigger numbers on the right which i have highlighted in red:

Before You Buy

A word of caution before you buy access to this process on the next page. 

As I've previously said, this product should only be purchased after reading through my foundation notes, as practising this method takes a whole new paradigm, a whole new perspective, than what most people would ever come to accept in their lives. Although I suspect I'm already preaching to the converted, it takes understanding the system we live and operate in from a whole new angle for most, an angle most would not accept in fact. So if you take this next step, by purchasing access to this page, be aware that there is no turning back, just like Morpheus said to Neo in the Matrix, you can't change your mind afterwards, there is only forwards from now on, no backstepping. So for that reason, access to this next page should only be purchased if you are ready and willing to take full responsibility for your actions, so there is no blaming anyone else if your process does not work for you, because if it doesn't, it means that you messed up somewhere along the line or that you do not have enough conviction to follow the whole process through, because you will be tested along the way by the government bodies that you come into contact with, to see if you will stand by your process and if you have enough competence to give you confidence to do so. This also means that there are no refunds after you purchase access to the process on the next page. Rest assured that if there's something that is not clear enough for you to understand after reading through a few times, that I can be contacted on Instagram or via email if you don't have Instagram. But any messages about refunds will be ignored, so only purchase if you're ready. This is also why I recommend reading, along with my foundation notes, most of my previous pages on this website, especially the following pages at least once (all pages can be found in the index in the top right of every page):

and also to watch all of the videos on those pages too before coming back here once you have made the decision to proceed.
Because, you use an analogy, if a man shows someone that he can eat fire and the spectator, astounded thinks, "oh wow, that's awesome I wanna learn to do that too!" Then the man shows them how he does it and the spectator tries thinking because they have now seen the technique wrongly assumes they can also perform the technique straight away without first developing the skill of technique needed to do it safely, then blames the fire-eater proclaiming "it's a scam!" wheras someone who is ready to learn would do their due dilligence of study, rather than expecting everything to be handed to them, because 1. Things do not come easy in this world, and if they do are they something worth having? 2. It just shows that person is not ready to take responsibility for their actions;

And 3. Whose fault is it that they got burnt? The fire-eater never told the spectator to do it, he just showed them how he did it and they chose to rush ahead without the proper training or preparation to first learn the nuances required to eat fire safely.

As a gladiator, you don't step into the arena without prior training, you'll get eaten by the lions.

And it is congruence and belief in self that is required, not just know how, otherwise when the wolves are at your door, it is the public fooling system's programming that we will go back to and start questioning whether what we have learnt is false, because it's not working how it should, these agents are telling me I'm wrong or something else. And make no mistake, the system, or its agents, will test you, (just like in the film The Matrix) and they are coming from the right place, believe it or not, they are there to stop irresponsible people running around create more chaos, and that's what this whole way of life is about: being responsible for ourselves and for our planet... But that's when you'll see it is important to understand why you're doing what you're doing, not just how to do it. That's why it's imperitive that we understand the system aka the matrix, because when our foundations are strong, then nothing, not even earthquakes, can shake them.

And also read what the IRS itself has to say about the process

So you see, the IRS says to beware of tax fraud, tax fraud scams, OID scams and the like.

So if you think what i'm offering here is a tax scam, OID scam, fraud or anything else, firstly i'm not, if you read the description carefully, you'll notice a big difference to what I'm offerring here, secondly, if you think it's a scam, you either 1. don't trust me, which is fine, I don't expect you to trust me if you don't know me, I'd just advise you add me on Instagram and trust your instincts and don't rush into anything you're not sure of yet. This is in no way a get rich quick scheme, it isn't quick or instant, there's a process to go through which takes at the least a few weeks, but maybe a few months, and it also takes getting the hang of, but can be yours to keep for many years to come once learned. Or;

2. You aren't familiar enough yet with what i'm talking about to make an informed decision, which is also fine, in fact my advice is to not take anything at face value, delve deep and question everything and don't do anything until you understand it first. Because it just means you'll have to do more research before you're ready for this process. If however you have already done your research, read the other pages on my site and also verified what I'm saying about how this system works, then this was obviously meant for you and i'm glad to have you on board.

Also bear in mind that I'm not sure how long I will be offering this service in this way and may switch to doing other people's forms for them, once I get a few things out of the way in the next couple of months. And, that I'm keeping the price low for now, but that may change soon. So for now, although if you think about it, since if your total outgoings for the year are less than £100,000, you'll be claiming £85,000 - 90,000 back, with the recommended 10 - 15% admin fee left for the IRS to process your claim, or if you're claiming more than £100,000, leaving them 20%, and given that you can claim back money from the last 3 years, if you do so before the cut off date, you'll be receiving a lot of money back. So I could probably be charging £30,000 to teach you this process and it would still be a bargain. But for now, I'm not charging that, not even £20,000, or £10,000.

For now I'm only charging £1000, because as long as you have found this page, whether by accident or by intent, as long as you are here reading this, while the price is discounted at £1000 then I can only say it was meant for you as one of the first to receive this discounted price offer before I put the price up. Because I'll probably be charging people a standard price of at least £2,500, probably more like £5000, in the next month or two. So if you've been invited here, it's because I wanted to offer you a discount before offering it to the general public at the higher price. Bearing in mind also that I would like your feedback, mainly about your experience doing the process (rather than the lay out of the page) and that the instructions are clear. I may also ask those who are willing to provide a testimonial to use on this page after you receive your money. Plus who knows what's arlund the corner, so if anything happens to me, at least I've passed this knowledge on first. Also bear in mind that if there is a valid reason, meaning you followed all the steps the way you're supposed to (and have proof, whether screenshots or photocopies which can be emailed to me or I can be contacted in a direct message in Instagram), then obviously a refund can be given in that exceptional circumstance, but I doubt there will be any need. Also obvioulsy you can message me with any questions, as long as you've taken notes already, writing out or printing the process so it is easier for you to follow. Or if there is anything I haven't made clear or could have worded better for example. But everything should be in full order and complete, to move forward with either way, but since you're first here, that is why you get a discount.


You'll also need a valid passport and other form of ID whether a driver's licence or other official photo ID to complete the process on the next page, so also don't buy access to the page if you don't have these essential items.

So, if you've read all of the recommended material and have come back, and you now feel ready to purchase this product below, then I salute you soldier, because you obviously chose the red pill.
To continue reading, which includes learning how to legally claim your money back from the IRS in America, whatever country you live in, you have two payment options, use this QR code or the link directly below it both if you wish to pay all at once, or alternatively, if you wish to pay in instalments:

Donate £1000 For Access To This Process With This Link or At The QR Code Above:

Too Much To Pay All At Once?

Don't worry, the PayPal QR code as well as the PayPal link above both give the option to use PayPal's instalment feature.
You can also find out how I dealt with an income tax bill after having already filled out the SA100 form to register as self employed previously (so I had already contracted in other words, yet still didn't pay) here:

Otherwise, let's continue this journey by heading over to page 20: 

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