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Spreading The Word And Waking More People Up
I've written my website addresses out on business cards (I cut them myself as I will continue to do unless I happen upon a fortune to deal with all else in my life, in which case I'll buy prints) and I'll hand them to my neighbours or anyone I talk to to check out. I advise you do the same. We need to wake people up. This is what I'll write on the cards:With all this covid going around it's important to strengthen our immune systems, so here's a website to help make people more aware of how to do that:
And since people can be fined for minding their own business on the street these days, here's a website to inform people about using the law to protect themselves too:
I also Have Some Novelty - Law Based T-Shirts and Merchandise For Waking People Up Available Here:
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Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 6:00pm
Free information pack gives a firm foundation in law (your belief is your biggest shield)