Council Tax

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Council Tax Matters

Reasons That I don't Pay Council Tax

First of all I'd like to point out that, according to a video which was removed from YouTube (so I have removed it from here), and to the above article, around 25p from every person's council tax, in the West Midlands at least, is contributed into the £10 billion [council tax] pension fund, of which a percentage is invested in companies in the US [and Asia], which make cluster bombs, where the making of cluster bombs remains legal. And although cluster bombs are illegal in the UK, it's only illegal to directly fund cluster bombs, so the companies that government works pretty much hand in hand with, aren't being stopped from using these loopholes when they should. Cluster bombs continue to cause casualties in Laos half a century after they were dropped on civilians.
Also, 76p in every £1 of your council tax goes to interest charges (we have a national debt in the trillions of pounds figure).

And then we see that, according to the above article, "Between them, 43 [council] pension funds directly hold shares worth £566m in the five [arms companies implicated in Saudi Arabia's military campaign in Yemen] and earned more than £18.5m in dividends in 2018, a period in which civilian deaths reportedly surged and a punishing famine took hold."

UK councils invest £566m in arms firms linked to Yemen war

Excerpt from the above article from the Guardian newspaper: "More than half a billion pounds of council workers' pension money has been directly invested by local authorities in arms companies implicated in Saudi Arabia's military campaign in Yemen, in which thousands of civilians have been killed.

Council pension funds have sizeable shareholdings in BAE Systems, Airbus, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman, according to nearly 100 freedom of information requests."

Local authorities investing over £700m in arms trade

"Almost all local authorities in Britain hold investments in the world's largest weapons companies, according to figures released under the Freedom of Information Act.

The figures show that they invest £723m in 15 of the largest international arms companies... says the Campaign Against the Arms Trade, CAAT, which conducted the FOI exercise. It found that 67 of Britain's 99 council pension funds invest nearly £244m in BAE Systems, the UK's largest arms company. One in three council pension funds help to finance the manufacture of nuclear weapons through investments... It says they are investing £20m in Lockheed, which manufactures Trident nuclear missiles for the US and Britain..." Read the full article here:

Here are some articles CAAT have written about it too:



NEW REPORT REVEALS UNPARRALLED ACCESS AND DEEPLY-ENTRENCHED INFLUENCE OF ARMS INDUSTRY IN UK GOVERNMENT's%20author%2C%20CAAT%20Research,industry's%20stranglehold%20on%20government%20policy.%E2%80%9D

The gold-plated council pensions funded by you

Taxpayers have taken over the burden of paying town hall workers' gold-plated pensions, figures revealed yesterday.
In 2009-10 the employer contribution paid by councils went up by £359million - a rise of 6.6 per cent, well ahead of inflation - to reach £5.759billion.
The figure is equivalent to well over a quarter of all council tax payments and amounts to 51 per cent of the £11.163bn cost of town hall pensions.
The average home in England contributed £313 to top up the pensions of town hall workers in 2009-10.
With the average worker paying £90 into a pension every month, or £1,080 a year, the £313 figure means that subsidising the pensions of council workers swallows up almost a third of what workers put by for their own retirement.

Collection rates for Council Tax and non-domestic Council Tax

The total council tax collected per year can be found under the following heading

'Collection rates for Council Tax and non-domestic rates in England, 2022 to 2023'
At the following link:

I've summed up the data for the amount collected for each year listed below:Amount of Non-Domestic Rates Collected (£ million):

2018 - 2019 = 25,748

2019 - 2020:= 25,900

2020 - 2021 = 14,884

2021 - 2022 = 20,776

2022 - 2023 = 24,242

Illegal Arms Investments

As I stated on the previous page, we are told by people who have investigated the matter, that 76p in every £1 of our council tax payments, should we make any, goes to interest charges 

And 26p, not in every £1 obviously, but of the overall amount, goes to cluster bombs, these are illegal weapons in the UK, which is why they are invested in through other countries. 

Above is a screenshot of the YouTube video above that, which has now, since I posted it, been censored for viewing in the UK, I guess the UK government doesn't want us seeing its illegal affairs if we live here!

A Council Tax Tale

As already stated above, friend of mine had a summons for non payment of council tax, so I took a trip to the court with him taking the summons along, when we got to the court, were signed in (i used x) we went to the window and asked about the summons. We were told simply "that's nothing to do with us, the council issue those." So we took a 15 minute walk to the council building, i asked to see the liability order and the lady behind the desk looked at my friend then looked at me and said "are you helping him with this?" or something like that. My friend was a little tipsy, anyway I said "yes" and she said hold on, then she picked up the phone and called upstairs and, as far as I can remember, said "we've got a £100 fine here, can we just remove it?" and just like that, it was gone. 
I think my friend did the right thing by unitentionally forgetting about his "court" date, because since they are just hiring a room in a court and the magistrate is just getting paid to be there, turning up would give them jurisdiction over you or signify your consent to the proceedings, so personally I wouldn't turn up for council tax, unless it went to the high court, then I'd happily go, as this is a real court with real judges, not just a room hired in a kangaroo court. I've been invited by the council meeting in a magistrates court twice so far as I write this today in April 2023 btw. I just wrote to the council's initial bill, with a conditional acceptance, but I could see by their response that it was a waste of time corresponding with them, so I didn't even do a 3 step process like I normally do, I just left it at 1.
(See my conditional acceptance page for more on this process) 

Now I've heard reports of people, upon seeing the liability orders, that it's been signed by the clerk of the court.  A clerk of the court cannot sign liability orders, it has to be a Magistrate or a justice of the peace, that's the law. 

You might be thinking "but council tax pays for the dustmen, fire brigade, street sweepers etc. and yes, that's true, which is why they charge businesses council tax business rates, which I'm sure you will find is more than enough to cover council costs. Also, when it comes to statutes or legislation of any kind, the government, or any branch of it like the council in this case, cannot limit man[kind]. For man[kind] created it, after all. So it makes sense that businesses pay council tax and man[kind] doesn't, meaning someone who owns a business only pays out for having a business, not for their home on top of that. That old maxim 'an Englishman's home is his castle' springs to mind here.

Have you heard of a Section  151 officer?

Have you ever heard that council tax only applies to a commercial property? See Section 3 of The Local Government Finance act.

See non-domestic ratings

3 Meaning of "dwelling".E+W

(1)This section has effect for determining what is a dwelling for the purposes of this Part.

(2)Subject to the following provisions of this section, a dwelling is any property which-

(b)is not for the time being shown or required to be shown in a local or a central non-domestic rating list in force at that time; and

(c)is not for the time being exempt from local non-domestic rating for the purposes of Part III of the M2 Local Government Finance Act 1988 ("the 1988 Act");

(4) Subject to subsection (6) below, none of the following property, namely-

(a) a yard, garden, outhouse or other appurtenance belonging to or enjoyed with property used wholly for the purposes of living accommodation; or

Attorney General v De Winton 1906, established that the Treasurer [or section 151 officer] is not merely a servant of the authority, but holds a fiduciary responsibility to the local taxpayers. Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 requires local authorities to make arrangements for the proper administration of their financial affairs and appoint a CFO to have responsibility for those arrangements..."

If they are deducting tax from a will, that section will allow you to write it off completely.

Have you heard of a section 13A officer?

If you write to the section 13A officer and explain you're on a low income, they have the power to write your council tax bill off so that you don't have to pay it and if you explain that paying council tax will cause you exceptional hardship, then they have no excuse not to write it off.

(Notice in the act it says "exceptional circumstances", this is why using the word exceptional is important and why we say exceptional hardship)

Section 13A (1c) of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 allows local authorities to, in exceptional circumstances, reduce the Council Tax liability for a charge payer. Statutory exemptions and discounts must first have been exhausted.
The Local Government Finance Act 13A also gives an exemption to some taxes on wills etc. 

Council Tax Debt Process

This is the process is for council tax debt.
It is based on the A4V process:

You can access the documents and instructions for the council tax process for a £95 donation, at the following PayPal QR code and PayPal link:

You can also find out how I dealt with an income tax bill after having already filled out the SA100 form to register as self employed previously (so I had already contracted in other words, yet still didn't pay) here:

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