COVID-19 Related
How To Set Your Own Terms
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First of all i would like to point out that SARS Covid 2, aka Covid 19[84] was declassified from a High Consequence Infectious Disease, the day before our first lockdown here in the UK, strange, right?
Check it out on the government's website:
Also, the symptoms of covid and flu are very similar:
Could that affect the official figures? Well you'll find surprisingly unrelated things that do, further down.
Invasive Nasal Swabs
If you're worried about the brutal Covid-19 nasal test and would like an alternative, or if you already refuse to have it done, yet somehow find yourself in the situation where you are forced by police for some reason to have an on the spot test, or it is a requirement for work or something else, here's what I would do:
First of all, never refuse to have a test, or anything else for that matter, because a refusal creates a controversy and in law you can now be prosecuted.
Secondly, as it says in Matthew 5:25 always "agree with thine adversary", because no controversy = no case, but you don't want to just agree, you also want to agree on your own terms, for instance if it was me I'd say "I'm happy to be tested on the following 3 conditions:
1. That you use the cotton buds I provide you, which happen to be unopened (unless you can't avoid using an already opened pack of your own buds)
2. That nothing is added to the cotton buds I give you before or during testing me; and
3. That you perform a mouth swab, and nothing is put up my nostril.
(You could also add in 4. That you pay me £10,000)
If they refuse, ask them are you refusing to test me?
All they need is your DNA to perform the test, so if they say we need to do a nasal test, ask them "is that to gather my DNA?" They should say yes, then you can say "are you telling me that the usual way of gathering DNA through a mouth swab doesn't gather DNA anymore?" They should say "no" then you can say "OK, well can we stick to the proven and tested measures for gathering DNA then?" if they say no, you go back to asking if they're refusing to test you. If they say yes, ask them "are you willing to swear to that under penalty of perjury?" Hopeful that'll change their tune.
I've also put together a conditional acceptance in the form of a word doc too:
I also would buy myself a few packets of cotton buds, one for my bag, one for my other bag, one for my coat/jacket or each coat and one for my car etc, so that you never find that you forget to carry a pack with you.
Here's some small/cheap packs from Amazon as you don't want a big round container when you can have a pack that fits in your pocket, these ones also have no plastic in them too:
600 pk Bamboo Cotton Buds (6 x 100) by ZHIYE, 100% Biodegradable Cotton Swab with Wooden Handles for Ear Cleaning, Makeup Cleaning, Keyboard Cleaning,Wound Cleaning etc £2.99:

100 Bamboo Cotton Buds | Cotton Buds | Ear Cotton Buds | Qtips | Cotton Swabs |by FAT PANDA £1.89:

Eco-Friendly Shop 100 Bamboo Cotton Buds 100% Natural Biodegradable Wooden Ear Swabs (100 BUDS) £1.49:

Bok Dok Cotton Swabs Buds 50 Pieces 6" Bamboo Handle Great for Dog Ears! Large/X-Large Premium 100% Cotton by Petstore HQ

DNA From Saliva is Better
Why are people being trained to pierce the blood brain barrier through the nose, for so called PCR (nasal swab) tests, when testing for coronavirus? when:
"DNA from saliva is suitable for whole genome sequencing (WGS)."
Also here is a video telling us that research shows saliva test for COVID-19 is just as effective as a nasal swab:
Vaccine Damage Payments
Btw, did you know that there is a whole government website dedicated to providing compensation for damage from vaccines?
Doesn't look like vaccines are as safe as they're made out to be, by the advertising of the companies that manufacture them, when you consider that does it?
Also the creator of the PCR tests that we use for testing for coronavirus says that they're not meant to be used for that:
As for the PCR tests in use being legally ruled useless for testing for covid 19, well that doesn't offer people much confidence in what's going on does it? Here's an article on the ruling:
Doesn't look like vaccines are as safe as they're made out to be, by the advertising of the companies that manufacture them, when you consider that does it?
Also the creator of the PCR tests that we use for testing for coronavirus says that they're not meant to be used for that:
As for the PCR tests in use being legally ruled useless for testing for covid 19, well that doesn't offer people much confidence in what's going on does it? Here's an article on the ruling:
Conditional Acceptances To Vaccines And Smart Meters
Never sign an "opt-out" form or agreement/contract, because there's no need to give anyone your signature to opt out, although it is a good idea to send a conditional acceptance to these companies who are trying to get you into an agreement, even if that agreement is an agreement that you don't want an agreement. Phew, what a mouth full! Personally, if I were to ever sign an agreement, i'd look it over thoroughly and cross out and initial anything i don't agree with and possibly even write my new term underneath. But i'd sooner rather draw up my own agreement/contract in the form of a conditional acceptance, see my conditional acceptances page here:
Compulsory Smart Meters?
Towards the end of 2020 i phoned Thames Water about my water bill, as the price seemed very high. The lady on the other end of the phone said that was because of the type of meter i have and not to worry because smart meters will soon be compulsory. I told her that i knew a little bit about law and that you can't force a man to do anything, she asked if i'd like to be put through to the legal team, i declined. But anyway, as well as the significance of coronavirus, although we have lived side by side with many for thousands of years, the fact that it has now become a household name (also see my health site about smart meters here:
is now making knowing law more and more important too. It also seems in England that conditional acceptances, and this video below, will become more and more relevant as time goes on too:

UK Legislation, Masks, Discrimination and Beliefs:
The following has been copied directly from the government website here:
"The protected characteristics
Part 2 Equality: key concepts
Chapter 1 Protected characteristics
10.Religion or belief
Religion or belief
The following characteristics are protected characteristics-
religion or belief;
(1)Religion means any religion and a reference to religion includes a reference to a lack of religion.
(2)Belief means any religious or philosophical belief and a reference to belief includes a reference to a lack of belief."
As we can see above, the Equality Act 2010 protects individuals from discrimination relating to protected characteristics, which includes belief. As we can see, it basically says on the government website
Belief means any religious or philosophical belief.
So i would conclude personally that an anti-mask stance can be included as a philosophical belief.
And again personally, if i were to be challenged about not wearing a mask at work, i would simply say "i'm exempt"
If they further push for a reason, i would simply say "it is against my beliefs to wear a mask", if there were any further discrepancies with my employer, then i would refer them to the above legislation. If they told me that i can't work today, or anything like that, i would point out to them that if they insist that i can't work today or can't work for them at all, that they would be participating in discrimination and to look at the section in the same above link about them being liable for prosecution under the Equality Act 2010. There is also a section in the above link for taking them to court for discrimination. If the discrepancies were with a police officer, then i would probably say something like this "is there anyone who's going to claim i am obliged to wear a mask against my beliefs?" i might even add that i'd be happy to wear a mask, providing a man comes forward to swear in open court that i am obliged to wear one. Or that if the officer i'm talking to is willing to swear in open court under penalty of perjury and full commercial liability that i'm obligated to wear a mask by law, then i'll happily wear one of my choosing.
Here's a quick version I put together in written form:
The Laws on Face Masks
The Regulations on wearing face coverings on public transport came into force on 15 June 2020. Similar regulations for 'relevant places' (like shops and railway stations) came into force on 24 July 2020. The regulations require everyone going into a relevant place or using public transport to wear a face covering, unless they have a reasonable excuse.
Facemask exemptions
The British Lung Foundation has also given reassurance that face masks do not decrease the oxygen levels reaching the wearer.
However some people will still find that despite trying these methods, they are unable to wear a face covering. It's important to remember that most of the relevant health conditions, disabilities or situations will be invisible to the naked eye.
Do people exempt from wearing a mask have to show proof?
The law does not require anybody who is exempt from wearing a face mask to carry proof with them of the reason for their exemption.
There is also no legal requirement for people who are exempt to wear a badge or lanyard. The government has clarified this in their Covid-19 Safer Travel Guidance.
Of course, given the serious public health issues involved and the level of concern many people feel, it can be very helpful for people who are exempt to wear a badge or lanyard. It provides a visible indicator without requiring the person to divulge any further information. There are several different types, including blue badges and lanyards issued by TfL.
It is advisable for members of the public to familiarise themselves with these so that they are not overlooked.
Is it discriminatory to challenge a person not wearing a face mask?
The regulations specify that there are only certain people who can direct others to wear or remove face coverings, or deny people entry to relevant places or services because of a lack of face covering. These include police officers and TfL staff.
However the power has limits. There is no legal requirement for people who are exempt to provide proof of their exemption; verbal confirmation should be sufficient. If a customer is wearing an exemption badge or lanyard, there should be no need for staff or police to challenge them at all.
TfL and the police must act in a non-discriminatory manner in line with the Equality Act 2010. Even though they have the power to enforce the face covering regulations, if they inappropriately challenge a disabled person regarding a lack of face covering, become abusive, demand evidence of exemption or impose any other requirement beyond verbal confirmation (such as insisting a person should wear a lanyard) this could amount to discrimination on the grounds of disability. Hodge Jones & Allen have in the past few months been approached by numerous individuals who believe they have been treated inappropriately and discriminated against for not wearing a face mask. Each one reports having felt publicly humiliated by being confronted in public and having to state their disability in a public setting, generally being told by the person who has confronted them "but you don't look disabled", which only adds to their distress.
It was concerning to hear the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Federation telling LBC recently that under new plans for police to get tougher on face mask enforcement, people claiming to be exempt from wearing masks will need to provide proof to officers when challenged. This practice could be found to be indirectly discriminatory against people with disabilities, since it will likely place people with disabilities who are exempt at a particular disadvantage compared with the rest of the population.
The Equality Act 2010 does not apply to exchanges between two private citizens, even if the unmasked person has a disability. However, this should not be interpreted as a pass for private citizens to challenge each other in public. The regulations name specific people (such as police officers and TfL staff) who are tasked with enforcement, and the Department of Health and Social Care has confirmed they do not wish for members of the public to question each other regarding why they are not wearing a face mask. Upon sharing updated guidance regarding facemasks on 4 December 2020, the Department of Health and Social Care tweeted:
It is also important to remember that whilst the Equality Act may not apply to exchanges between two private citizens, other laws certainly do. In some certain circumstances, repeated challenges regarding a lack of face mask could amount to harassment, or other criminal offences if the challenge becomes abusive.
Any challenge or question, no matter how politely it is expressed, might be the fifth, sixth, or one hundredth time a person with a disability or traumatic past has been approached since the regulations came into force. They may be experiencing significant anxiety in public spaces. Ultimately we need to be mindful of the many reasons people cannot wear a mask before challenging someone, and likely to stay quiet, even if we are just trying to be public spirited and to keep ourselves and others safe.
JANUARY 27, 2021
Exemption "Badges"
Anyone can go to a library, where they will give you an exemption "badge", which is a card in a plastic cover, if you ask them to, or go here to apply for one:
Or here:
Inflated Figures As Usual
The above video is a reporter from Sky news where he talks about how "in terms of the actual count that Public Health England and the government rely on, well that now looks to be inflated" and that if you were hit by a bus and died "your death would still be added on to that coronavirus tally".
And then we have today's front page of The Daily Mail, 27th Feb 2021:

No More False Positives?
On January 13th the WHO published a memo ensuring future testing would be less likely to produce false positives, this followed their previous December 7th memo, instructing labs around the world to use lower cycle thresholds...
Consequently we are now seeing a decline in perfectly healthy people being labelled "covid cases" based on a false positive from an unreliable testing process:
Also, while on the subject of coronavirus, check out my other website on how to strengthen our immune systems, very important during times like these:
If you can't understand half of what people are saying to you when they're wearing a mask, for instance someone comes round to fix your boiler or do a gas check, or you were at a restaurant and like me, when you've said to them "you can take the mask off if you want" or "I'd prefer it if you didn't wear a mask so i can understand what you're saying" and they've been relieved that you did, and you wished you had something to hand to them to inform them about their rights etc, then also like me maybe you'd like to print out these cards to hand them to do so, by bringing them to this site, or to help wake people up:
Colour card template:
Greyscale card template:
Novelty "Ewe Must Wear A Facemask" T-shirts, hoodies, stickers and Mugs
If you're tired of hearing "You must wear a facemask" every time you travel on a bus, train or tube here in the UK, maybe a rephrasing of that sentence will help, i've made these novelty T-shirts, hoodies, stickers, mugs and even facemasks, rephrasing the whole sentence by changing the word 'you', to 'ewe'. Take a look at the items for sale here:

Cheaper T-Shirts Here:
What If I'm Challenged By Police For No Facemask?
Personally, if i were challenged by police, or anyone else who is allowed to challenge us by the legislation i outlined above, i would simply say "i'm exempt", if they press further, asking why, i'd either tell them "it's against my beliefs", which is one of the reasons given as being allowed in that same legislation, or i'd tell them that "i'm now feeling harrassed", because if there are lots of other people around, or even a few, in a public place we shouldn't need to state a reason where others can hear what it is, take a look at the legislation above again, where it talks about that.
The Meaning Of 'You'
If we look up the meaning of 'you', in a standard dictionary, we find that it has both a singular and a plural definition.
So it applies both to someone alone, or two a group of two or more people:
We know already that a name in all caps defines a dead entity, a corpse and/or corporation, and that public officials work on the presumption that they have authority over us, although it is only this dead entity that they really have authority over, whether they know it or not. So when one of them says 'you', and we answer to that name/word, in reality we're giving them authority over the person(a), the all caps name, and as 'you' is not just singular bit also plural, they can be said to be addressing the man/woman and our person(a) at the sanlme time. We therefore don't want to give them the authority by answering to 'you', whether tgat is a policeman or a judge.
So with regards to the announcements "you must wear a face covering", or if we are told this by police or a judge etc, it's best to never assume things, always act as-king by asking questions, the thing we are trained not to do from childhood is our only salvation.
Here are a couple for YOU to ask:
"Have you got proof my name is You, or that i am You?" (Or Ewe, or Yu) If yes, "are YOU willing to swear to that under penalty of pejury and full commercial liability?"
"Are you addressing me as a man/woman or my person(a) or both?"
If i had my T-shirt on, i might point to it and ask "are you calling me a female sheep?" i'd either be triggering them here or activating their sense of humour/waking them up to different possibilities of word definitions, if i'm lucky. But if they're having a bad day maybe not, i'd hope they go home and think about word definitions at least, although in my experience of gaining my first covid fine (detailed on the conditional acceptances page), i found that police don't like us laughing at them, so hopefully they don't think that's what we're doing by wearing these T-shirts or hoodies, but i couldn't help laughing anyway, it wasn't on purpose, it was just natural, nothing personal.
If you've read this far and want to learn more, head over to the contacts page, to send me an email for a free info pack. Otherwise, let's continue this journey by heading over to page 9:
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