Filing Claims
The Common Law
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Filing your Law Suit/Case
The following is how to use common law [of the land] as explained by Karl Lentz, to file a lawsuit/make a court claim.
First of all, you always want to make your own claim because whoever makes the claim makes the rules of the claim. Whoever packs the suitcase decides what goes into it and where it is put. No one else has a right to pack your suitcase or to decide what you put into it or rearrange your suitcase for you. The same is true when filing a lawsuit/case. Also, if you don't file your own claim when a claim is being filed against you, which would be a counterclaim, then you will become "the defendant", the best a defendant can hope for is that the case is dismissed due to insufficient filing by the other party, or something along those lines, but would be unlikely since it's mostly legally trained people filing against us, or worse case scenario, you could lose which seems to be the more likely case. Whereas if you file your own claim you can have a win, unless your claim is thrown out for being insufficient too.
Causes of Action
Under common law [of the land], there are only 4 main things to file a claim for. These 4 things are harm, wrong, trespass, against man[kind] or his property and restoration of property. Here is the second definition of trespass (the one we are concerned with) from the Merriam-Webster dictionary:
Definition of trespass (Entry 2 of 2)
1a: an unlawful act committed on the person, property, or rights of anotherespecially : a wrongful entry on real property
b: the legal action for injuries resulting from trespass
2a: a violation of moral or social ethics : TRANSGRESSION especially : SIN
b: an unwarranted infringement
File Your Claim As a Man
If you are filing a claim as a man then you can't sue/bring a claim against a corporation. You can't sue a pinecone but you can sue the man who threw the pinecone. Or in other words, i can't sue the tool a man used to cause i harm, but i can sue the man, whatever tool he used, whether it be a pinecone, a car, a corporation or anything else.
This is also why we address the man by name in any correspondence, so i will write to Harry, and i won't use any title like Mr, CEO, Sir, or anything, just the name. If this sounds too informal, and it probably will, given that we are used to using "dear Mr..." Or. "dear Sir", rather than just writing "dear Harry" , we can write "dear Harry Potter" for instance. Personally, since i always write to the head of the corporation or organisation i am writing to, i also like to write their title after their name in square brackets to remind me who they are for future reference, like so: "Harry Potter [CEO]", because of the four corner rule - being that anything within a box/four corners is to be ignored.
That way they can't hide behind any title, or claim limited liability and make an insurance claim, but are personally liable for any damages.
Here Is A Simple Claim
"This Is A Copy Only - Original Retained On File:
The failure of you/Due to you [insert name of CEO/MD here] (you can put their title in square brackets only) to [insert action/inaction here] has caused i, a wo/man and/or my property harm. See exhibit A [B, C, D, E, F, G etc]
Send them a bill stating "this is what i claim is due for the wrong and the harm you [name] and your subordinates have caused to i, a wo/man and/or my property."
Exhibits A, B, C, D etc can be quotes (for repair work), receipts etc, that you can attach which itemise the costs of the harm/damage.
First Agree With Thine Adversary
Before going to court we want to first give the man/woman ample opportunity to respond/defend themselves in the private, meaning between yourselves, man to man. The court need only get involved if the two parties cannot settle the matter between themselves, because as stated before: "no controversy - no case".
We also want to get our adversary into agreement before going to court to enforce our private default judgment, which we can only get first by the adversary either not providing what we ask for i.e. an insufficient response, or not responding at all and therefore tacitly acquiescing to our terms and conditions.
Filing Your Paperwork With The Court
The court will usually insist that we use their court forms, for instance, an N1 claim form, which is fine, but we don't have to fill them out. We can simply write on the court form "for the ease of the court clerk's filing purposes only, see attached" and then attach the paperwork for our claim underneath that form.
Because when you use somebody else's form(s) you're begging. You're asking to be governed by the rules of the legal society. Applying means begging in legalese. Someone who is begging can be refused without a reason. There is no obligation to give a beggar anything. You're agreeing to follow all the rules associated with the legal society when you fill out their forms. Whereas, if you, a man or woman, require something, there is an obligation under law. The public services, including court, are for the benefit and use of man and woman, the public.
So, for instance, if you have been harmed physically, this is the hospital bill, see exhibit A, here's the itemised statement of the bill, see exhibit B, and i require compensation of [this much money], see exhibit C. Or if your property has been damaged, then you could say i have been harmed, or wronged.
The harm could be mental, but no need to write that, just harmed or wronged is enough for the claim.
Don't let them call your claim a complaint, a pleading etc
i place a notice before the court and i require you to summons the defendant to appear, or to explain why he shouldn't appear.
When you give your case to the court, make sure you only give them a copy. It should clearly say COPY at the top of the page. Because if not, then technically you're surrendering your case, which is your property, to the court. You're giving it away, to the court, for them to judge. We only want to give any original claims to the jury (since we are operating under common law [of the land], not common case law/statute).
If The Court Refuses To Accept Your Paperwork
The first thing we want to do is find out who's responsible for blocking you from filing a claim, so we may have to phone up the court and ask: "Who's the man or woman who rejected/trespassed on my right to access this court? Who trespassed on my case?" If i managed to speak to the person blocking my claim, i'd want to ask them if they are aware that tampering with evidence is a criminal offence, and that includes trying to tell me that i have to follow certain rules, like the cpr rules, to get my truth, my private judgment or my witness statement on the record."
Or, assuming it's the court clerk, call up the attorney general's office or whoever's the head prosecutor covering that area and say "the court clerk is interfering with my right to access a public building, she's denying me access to the court. Do you want to speak to her and tell her how to do her job properly or do you need me to file a claim against her?" Then they should call her up and she'll have to allow you to file your claim.
If she does it again next time however, you can file a simple claim/lawsuit against her, that a woman is interfering with your right to access a public building.
Claims Verses Complaints
When filing a claim with the court, the clerk at the counter will most probably come up with all sorts of objections like "we only file complaints or pleadings here, so i've changed your paperwork accordingly"
But we are not here to complain so we don't want to file a complaint and we are not here to beg, so we won't be filing a pleading. We are only here to file a claim. At the court house, they may try to tell you "we only accept complaints/pleadings here", which is fine, because we're making a claim and we're not giving them our claim, we're giving it to the public court house, and we require them as our public servant to record it in the proper section of our public court house and to give us a case number.
A complaint is something which can be thrown out of court as anyone can complain, but whoever is being complained to doesn't have to listen to whining and complaining. The same goes for a pleading, if you plead with someone or beg, they have no obligation to listen either. Whereas a claim is a right, if you have a claim to land, you have a right to land, claims have to be taken notice of, pleadings or complaints don't, that's why we only ever make claims.
Also as already stated, we don't want to give the original claim to the court, which is why we need to write "Certified Copy" in the top and maybe also the bottom margins of our claim. Otherwise, the court can say you submitted your claim to them. Submit means to concede, meaning you have handed over control and ownership of your claim to them. We obviously don't want to do that either, because we want our property to stay our property (with the meaning of property being for the sole and exclusive use of the owner). We also don't want to pay for filing claims, because the public court building has already been paid for, as have the public servants' wages. The Queen doesn't pay to use a public court house or any other public building, so nor should her subjects aka the people/public. If you still wish to pay, you could offer a fraction of the fee for administrative costs, or as a donation.
If they object to anything we can ask "is this not a public building which has been paid for by the people?", if they still object we can ask "would you prefer i charge you £10,000 for acting ultra vires (outside of their scope/capacity) in trespassing on my right to make a claim or for breach of your public duty?" If they don't care or still block us, we can ask for their name telling them that we'll "file a commercial lien against your person, which means that your employer and your limited liability insurance won't cover you as i will be filing it against you, the man or woman, in your full commercial capacity, not limited capacity, so that your own personal money and property will be at risk, unless you stop trespassing on my rights and allow me to make a claim."
And since we are the ones filing the claim, we are the ones who set the rules of the case and we must also include an order of what we want the court to do. We also notify the public [court house] building manager, who also happens to be the chief judge, to inform the staff that we will be coming in to use the public court house to present our case in an open court, before trial by jury (if necessary) in 14 days or 28 days, or whatever, in whatever room's available, at any preferred time of day, making them aware that we know the court is open 24/7, and to get the court clerk to give us a complete authenticated copy of the case file as it currently stands, so that we can send it over to the building manager showing what is going on so far to date. Now, the only reason to be in court is to create a record, it doesn't matter if the other side shows up or not, it just matters that we have a record of the judgment. Once we have that, the damages (compensation money) can be pursued, whether it is sold on to debt collectors to collect, or a copy is given to the county sheriff to collect, or, if the defendant showed up in court, that the judge ordered them to pay by a certain date.
If you want to learn more about this topic, explore the rest of this site, i also have a small course on Notice Writing for a small donation, look in the index, or use this link:
You can also look up Karl Lentz on YouTube.
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