
Discretionary Housing Payments

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This page is for helping people who need help getting extra money towards their rent, as it's not being paid in full by the Housing Benefit Department of the Council and so intend to claim discretionary housing benefit

Discretionary Housing Payment Forms

I can't tell you how to fill this form out, but I can share an example of how I filled out a discretionary housing form to receive extra money towards my rent, since when I filed for housing benefit they didn't award me the full rent, as seems to always be the case. Anyway, it was pretty easy to guarantee, i got the discretionary payment mostly by ignoring the irrelevant details they ask for and focusing on the important boxes, which is about how it will affect me to not get the payment, it's all about wording, take a look:

The Most important Boxes

Hopefully you can see from the above that, and sorry if the photos aren't clear, the most important boxes are the ones that ask how the shortfall in rent will affect you, to which I have put something along the lines of "to not receive the full rent would cause me exceptional hardship", again "exceptional hardship" is the magic phrase, because to cause a man or woman harm is a crime, full stop, they can't do that, so they have to pay us. That's it really, simples. The other boxes aren't so important, I haven't filled out a Section 13A form before, for getting the council to stop asking for council tax payments from me, but if I did, if I was on benefits of claiming a pension, I'd fill it out in a similar way using those key words again, in the relevant section and would probably put little in all other boxes or N/A, for not applicable, except for boxes where my details go of course.

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