IRS OID Process

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First of all welcome to the real world, as Morpheous said to Neo in the Matrix, secondly thank you for purchasing this process and thirdly i reiterate that this page is private and neither it nor its contents are to be shared with anyone, or you agree to pay £10,000 for doing so, (if there's anyone you want to share it with share this following page instead: and; fourthly that i'm not qualified legally to give legal, financial or tax advice, so if you want legal or tax advice go to a legal or tax professional, or you can look it up on the IRS website (mostly by reading the relevant form instructions) or asking a tax professional. But the bank is holding bank funds in escrow for three years and if they remain unclaimed, they get to keep them, so it's not in their interests to tell you that you can fill out the relevant forms to reclaim this money, since banks are there to earn themselves money. So like i say, that's my own theory, from the understanding that i currently have and is not a legal opinion. 
For those of you who use Telegram, i have created a private, also not-to-be-shared with anybody, group solely for people who have donated to access this page. The group can be found here:

Now we come to the part where we learn the practical steps. i advise writing these steps down on a piece of paper (starting with everything below that comes before the details about the forms), before actually doing the steps, because otherwise you'll end up repeating something in two occasions, where you could have done it in one. You'll understand why there is also a charge for revealing this process to you, not only because it is not something for everybody, the path of the Jedi is for the few after all, not the many (and this is why it is a prequisite that you have read my Foundation Notes before proceeding to the process page) but also because obviously you only have to learn this process once for it to be used again, and for more than 100% return on investment to be received by you. I could also charge a lot more for teaching this process considering most of you will be able to repeat it for many years to come and see much more than 100% ROI every time you use it. 

How To Obtain An EIN Number

The first thing you'll need, if you are living outside of the United States, is an EIN number. This is obtainable from the IRS by either calling them by phone, mail, sending a fax, or applying online here:

Here is a link explaining how to obtain an EIN, but I've summarised the process below the link too:,11%3A00%20p.m.%20Eastern%20Time.

International applicants may call 267-941-1099 (not a toll-free number) 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. (Eastern Time) Monday through Friday to obtain their EIN. Bear in mind that it may take a long time on hold, before you get to actually speak to someone or to be transferred to the right person, so I'd set aside around an hour to do so.

This is also why it's best to buy a phone card for calling America, which costs about £5.

Also make sure that you have all the relevant details ready for the IRS employee that you speak to about the EIN.

They'll want to know the following:
Obtaining your EIN Number as a Foreign Entity

Since the rules have now changed, skip this first part of the process for now and scroll down the page to 'Step 2 ITIN', as you'll want to phone one of the CAAs listed, to find out if you still need an EIN (Employee Identification Number) to obtain an ITIN (International Tax ID Number) and ask them how much the ITIN will cost you.

1. Call the IRS at 001 267 941 1099, listen to options as you want to speak to someone.
2. Tell them you want an EIN Number for a Foreign Entity and are a Sole Proprietor/owner of the business.
They'll want to know the nature of your business and when you plan on travelling to the United States etc, so it's best to have a reason prepared. I told them I am a sole proprietor, as a health and fitness professional, a holistic lifestyle coach in fact, if I remember correctly; since I also offer dietary and fitness advice on my other website.

2. Tell them you want an EIN Number for Foreign Entity and are a Sole Proprietor/owner of the business.

(It allows you to do business in the USA).

(3. If they mention Form SS-4 say NO you haven't got one).

4. They'll want your name, address, phone number, Name of Company and Country it was incorporated in and probably an email address too.

Make sure all details are correct.

5. Say YES if they ask if this is for compliance with withholding.

6. If they ask if it is for E-books, this is optional, and doesn't matter either way. (But maybe it's worth saying yes as i don't know what extra info you'll get)

7. They give you your EIN number over the phone, so keep it safe as they only confirm in writing 2 weeks later.
8. You'll need to ask them to send you 3 types of IRS forms:
1. 1099-A, 2. 1099-OID, 3. 1096.
You'll need one 1099-A form and one 1099-OID form, per bank account you are claiming for, per year. Normally there are 3 forms per A4 sheet, but don't worry, you just need to know how many forms to ask for. You'll also need two 1096 forms per year you are claining for. You may need to be transferred to another line or they may allow you to order these forms there and then. 

Obtaining an ITIN 

The next step is to obtain an ITIN, an International Tax Identification Number. This is what we wanted an EIN for.
To get an ITIN isn't as straightforward and you'll need to get a couple of things first. You'll need a current passport and another form of official photo ID like a driver's licence on top of that if you haven't travelled to America before, with this passport. And once you have them both, you'll have to fill out a W7 form, to either take to an Acceptance Agent who were authorised by the IRS in America to operate for the IRS in other countries. But since this is new, they are usually expensive and are in most countries now (see further down). Luckily though, there is a less expensive way, so I don't recommend using an IRS Acceptance Agent, although you can eventually claim this money back of course, there are just better ways of spending our money, this isn't "Brewster's Billions" after all. before filling out any IRS forms, Anyway, it is important to always read the instructions for each IRS form before filling them out4 and it is also important to know that any time you sign any documents, ever, no matter what country you are in, always do so with a restricted signature. If you don’t do this, then this will affect how you are treated because you are relinquishing your control of your contracts and putting it all in the hands of the other party to define the nature of the contract and your relationship in that contract. The best way to restrict our signature, since we are dealing with the IRS who are based in America is by signing like this:

"By Trustor: 💯"

[imagine the 💯 is a signature]

For people in the US you can use "By Grantor: 💯"
instead, but signing  "By Trustor: 💯"
would be acceptable in both the UK and the US. If you are in a different country, do your own research and due dilligance first, i always say don't do anything without understanding it fully first, but you'll probably find that using "By Trustor: 💯" is best for an international process like this. I habituallu use "By Settlor: 💯" for everything in the UK, which could also be acceptible in the US too, I'm just not sure it is as widely recognised, although that shouldn't really matter.

We'll also want to endorse our cheque this way, once we receive it.
Also i would say that it is better to miss out on the money you may have claimed by rushing and making mistakes, rather than having to correct those mistakes and incur thousands of pounds/dollars of debt in fines, which could have been avoided by first knowing who you are and what you're doing.

This is especially important when signing IRS Forms, because they will test you to see if you really know who you are, or if you are just copying something you were told to do on the Internet and may even fine you thousands of dollars like they did to me. Luckily i was ready for this information i present to you before i completed the process i am describing, so i knew how to deal with it. Well not totally, i had to do a lot of research and testing through trial and error. Don't worry, they won't test you until you have been paid by them and, unless you are in America, the worst they can do is ask you to pay the money back and fine you, (i have friends that paid thee fines with their received money and gave up on the process where i stuck at it fortunately for us or unfortunately for them. But it wasn't easy and it took many years to get to this point. The IRS even threaten banning you from travelling to America until you pay the fine back.* If you are in America, beware, as they could get a court order to enter your home and seize goods, or take money from your bank account, unless you have everything in trust of course, because then they can't touch it, which is another process for another day, on another page i'll be adding later.
But don't worry, because there are ways of dealing with a fine like this, without having to send money from your bank account, which can be seen further down this page. But the first part of this involves restricting your signature in the right way, this is why it's important to start always signing your signature this way from now on. (i will be also be writing more about this on a page on setting up trusts later, in the UK we sign "By Settlor: 💯" as I say). 

*The IRS have more powers to take you to court and to gain entry to your home if you are in the USA, which is why it's especially important to do this if you're living there. But you can also see my other page about warrants.

IRS Identification Numbers

The following process for obtaining an ITIN, is the cheaper method I mentioned above. Before doing the following process for obtaining an ITIN, i'd read these two website pages (click on the links) in their entirety:

Obtaining An ITIN From Abroad

Here is an excerpt from IRS Form W7 Instructions:

New rules since 2016 state:

"The passport isn't a stand-alone document for certain dependents if no date of entry into the United States is present.

A passport that doesn't have a date of entry won't be accepted as a stand-alone identification document for certain dependents. See Proof of U.S. residency for applicants who are dependents under Supporting Documentation Requirements, later, for more information."
There is also a correct way to go about obtaining a passport which establishes your status the way we want it. But this is for later, it is not a requirement of doing this process, i will be writing a page on this too at some point, but for now, use whatever passport you already have. You used to need to get a photocopy of your passport to take to a notary public, for them to stamp, this cost me around £50 here in the UK, if i remember correctly, it was around ten years ago when i first started learning this process. Yes, it was that long ago, and unfortunately i had to learn by trial and error over these many years on how to get my money sent to me. In fact it is only now in 2022 that i'm doing this process again after many years of not claiming it back because of having to deal with the fines the IRS wanted to lay on me and all the many hours of extra research i have had to do, so please don't think this has come easy. (This is a reason i was considering not sharing the process but taking a commission for completing other people's forms for them instead and i still might change my site to do that).
But i digress, once you got the photocopy of your passport notorised, you'd need to send it in to London to get apostilled, which is for foreign jurisdictions, before sending it to the IRS to obtainnan ITIN.

Here are a couple of places for the apostille online, just for information purposes because things have changed since December 2021 (see further down) one is £54, the other is £50:

Obtaining an ITIN from Abroad (Meaning not in USA)

I have copied all relevant information from the IRS links, you may wish to click the links to view this info more clearly, but there's a lot more info to wade through there, so better to take notes of what's relevant to you on this page

"The IRS accepts Form W-7, Application for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number by mail accompanied by ORIGINAL documents or certified copy of the document from the issuing agency to establish the identity and foreign status of the ITIN applicant. Applicants can also submit their W-7 by scheduling an appointment at an IRS Taxpayer Assistance Center while in the United States, or through a Certifying Acceptance Agent either in the United States or abroad.

The Instructions for Form W-7 list 13 documents that can be used to prove foreign status and identity. A foreign passport is the only one that can stand alone (i.e., establishes both foreign status and identity). If a passport is submitted, there is no need to submit any other documents. If a passport is not submitted, a combination of at least two other documents, with at least one containing a photograph, must be submitted with the ITIN application. The IRS will accept copies of original documents, if the copies have been properly certified by the government agency (foreign or domestic) which issued the documents. Note: A passport that does not have a date of entry is no longer accepted. For more information see Instructions for Form W-7:

Section 203 of the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act, enacted on December 18, 2015, included provisions that affect the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) application process. Taxpayers and their representatives should review these changes, which are further explained in the Frequently Asked Questions, before requesting an ITIN.

From Form W-7 Instructions:

Who Is Eligible To Complete This Form

The following individuals are eligible to complete Form W-7.

1. Any individual who isn't eligible to get an SSN but who

must furnish a taxpayer identification number for U.S. tax purposes or to file a U.S. federal tax return must apply for an ITIN on Form W-7. Examples include the following.
(This is the one relevant to us, assuming you live outside of the US) 

• A nonresident alien individual not eligible for an SSN who is

required to file a U.S. federal tax return or who is filing a U.S.

federal tax return only to claim a refund.

• A nonresident alien individual not eligible for an SSN who

elects to file a joint U.S. federal tax return with a spouse who is a U.S. citizen or resident alien. See Pub. 519, U.S. Tax Guide for Aliens.

3. The documentation you provide must be current (that is, not expired).

There are 13 acceptable documents, as shown in the

following table. (this table is better viewed online and is also on the W-7 form instructions, but i have copied and pasted it here, but if you have a current passport and driving licence you can skip this part and go straight to phoning an IRS acceptance agent near you to make an appointment):
At least one document must contain your photograph, unless you're a dependent under age 14 (under age 18 if a student). You may later be required by the IRS to provide a certified translation of foreign-language documents

Supporting Documentation

Can be used to establish:

Foreign status Identity

Passport (the only stand-alone document*) x x

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS)

photo identification x x

Visa issued by the U.S. Department of State x x

U.S. driver's license x

U.S. military identification card x

Foreign driver's license x

Foreign military identification card x x

National identification card (must contain name,

photograph, address, date of birth, and expiration date) x x

U.S. state identification card x

Foreign voter's registration card x x

Civil birth certificate x** x

Medical records (valid only for dependents under age 6) x** x

School records (valid only for a dependent under age

18, if a student) x** x

* Applicants claimed as dependents who need to prove U.S. residency must

provide additional original documentation if the passport doesn't have a date

of entry into the United States. See Proof of U.S. residency for applicants who

are dependents below.

** May be used to establish foreign status only if documents are foreign."

Certified Acceptance Agents

Now a new way to obtain an ITIN, is through an "IRS Certified Acceptance Agent", which is basically like the notary public, but cuts out the need for an apostille before receiving an ITIN, so much easier and quicker, phew! Basically all you have to do, as long as you have a current Passport and Driver's licence, is phone them up and say "i'd like to make an appointment to get an ITIN". Then take your IDs and a completed form W-7 along (see further down). They will probably ask you why you need an ITIN, i just say "for tax returns, i'll be doing business in America soon", if they ask when i'd make it sometime in the next 3 months. i'm not committed to travel just because i said that of course, flights get cancelled and rescheduled all the time, just as plans do. I also made sure i had something to tell them about the nature of my business and i just said "i'm a healthy lifestyle coach", since i have nutrition and fitness qualifications.

I've put links here for your convenience to find Acceptance Agents nearby hopefully:

List of Acceptance Agent by country:

Acceptance Agents in the UK:

United Kingdom
(the number for this one wouldn't ring, that's why i've included it here) 

* Acceptance Agents

Caroline Pepin 45 Varney Court

10 St Mark's Square

Bromley BR2 9YD

United Kingdom

4475 8433 8911

Filling out the W-7 Form

"Reason You're Submitting Form W-7

You must check the box to indicate the reason you're completing Form W-7 even if you're applying to renew your ITIN. If more than one box applies to you, check the box that best explains your reason for submitting Form W-7. A selection must be made in this section.

Note. If you check box a or f, then box h may also be checked. If applicable, you must also enter the treaty country and treaty article. For more information on treaties, see Pub. 901, U.S. Tax Treaties.

b. Nonresident alien filing a U.S. federal tax return. This category includes:

A nonresident alien who must file a U.S. federal tax return to report income effectively or not effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States, and

A nonresident alien who is filing a U.S. federal tax return only to get a refund. See Pub. 519.


If you choose reason b, you must provide a complete foreign address on line 3.

Line Instructions

Enter "N/A" (not applicable) on all sections of each line that don't apply to you. Don't leave any section blank. For example, line 4 should have three separate entries.

Line 1a. Enter your legal name on line 1a as it appears on your identifying documents. This entry should reflect your name as it'll appear on a U.S. federal tax return.

Note. If you're renewing your ITIN and your legal name has changed since the original assignment of your ITIN, you'll need to submit documentation to support your legal name change, such as your marriage certificate or a court order, which may include a divorce decree. Attach supporting documentation to Form W-7.


Your ITIN will be established using this name. If you don't use this name on the U.S. federal tax return, the processing of the U.S. federal tax return may be delayed.


Line 1b. Enter your name as it appears on your birth certificate if it's different from your entry on line 1a.

Line 2. Enter your complete mailing address on line 2. This is the address the IRS will use to return your original documents and send written notification of your ITIN application status.

The IRS won't use the address you enter to update its records for other purposes unless you include a U.S. federal tax return with your Form W-7. If you aren't including a U.S. federal tax return with your Form W-7 and you changed your home mailing address since you filed your last U.S. federal tax return, also file Form 8822, Change of Address, with the IRS at the address listed in the Form 8822 instructions.

Note. If the U.S. Postal Service won't deliver mail to your physical location, enter the U.S. Postal Service's post office box number for your mailing address. Contact your local U.S. Post Office for more information. Don't use a post office box owned and operated by a private firm or company.

Line 3. Enter your complete foreign (non-U.S.) address in the country where you permanently or normally reside, even if it's the same as the address on line 2. If you no longer have a permanent foreign residence due to your relocation to the United States, enter only the foreign country where you last resided on line 3. If you're claiming a benefit under an income tax treaty with the United States, the income tax treaty country must be the same as the country listed on line 3.

Don't use a post office box or an "in care of"

(c/o) address instead of a street address on line 2 if you're entering just a "country" name on line 3. If you do, your application may be rejected.


Line 4. Enter your date of birth in the month/day/year (MM/DD/YYYY) format, where MM = 1 to 12 and DD = 1 to 31. To be eligible for an ITIN, your birth country must be recognized as a foreign country by the U.S. Department of State.

Line 6a. Enter the country or countries (in the case of dual citizenship) in which you're a citizen. Enter the complete country name; don't abbreviate.

Line 6b. If your country of residence for tax purposes has issued you a tax identification number, enter that number on line 6b. For example, if you're a resident of Canada, enter your Canadian social security number (known as the Canadian Social Insurance Number).

Line 6c. Enter only U.S. nonimmigrant visa information. Include the USCIS classification, number of the U.S. visa, and the expiration date in month/day/year format. For example, if you have an F-1/F-2 visa with the number 123456 that has an expiration date of December 31, 2021, enter "F-1/F-2," "123456," and "12/31/2021" in the entry space. Individuals in possession of an I-20/I-94 document(s) should attach a copy to their Form W-7.

Line 6d. Check the box indicating the type of document(s) you're submitting to prove your identity. Enter the name of the state or country or other issuer, the identification number (if any) appearing on the document(s), the expiration date, and the date on which you entered the United States. Dates must be entered in the month/day/year format.

Line 6e. If you ever received an ITIN and/or an Internal Revenue Service Number (IRSN), check the "Yes" box and complete line 6f. If you never had an ITIN or an IRSN, or if you don't know your ITIN or IRSN, check the No/Don't know box.

An IRSN is a nine-digit number issued by the IRS to persons who file a return or make a payment without providing a taxpayer identification number. You would've been issued this number if you filed a U.S. federal tax return and didn't have an SSN. This IRSN will appear on any correspondence the IRS sent you concerning that return.

If you're submitting Form W-7 to renew your ITIN, you must include your previously assigned ITIN on line 6f to avoid delays in processing your Form W-7.

Line 6f. If you have an ITIN and/or an IRSN, list them in the space(s) provided. Identify your first, middle, and last name under which the ITIN and/or IRSN was issued. If you were issued more than one IRSN, attach a separate sheet listing all the IRSNs you received. On the separate sheet, be sure to write your name and "Form W-7" at the top.

If you're submitting Form W-7 to renew your ITIN, the name under which you applied for your ITIN must be included on line 6f to avoid delays in processing your Form W-7.

Note. If you're renewing your ITIN and your legal name has changed since the original assignment of your ITIN, you'll need to submit documentation to support your legal name change, such as your marriage certificate or a court order, which may include a divorce decree. Attach supporting documentation to Form W-7.


Who Can Sign Form W-7

Generally, the applicant is required to sign Form W-7. The following are exceptions to this requirement.

Applicant is a dependent under 18 years of age. If the applicant is a dependent under 18 years of age, his or her parent or court-appointed guardian can sign if the child can't sign. The parent or court-appointed guardian must type or print his or her name in the space provided and check the appropriate box that indicates his or her relationship to the applicant. If the individual is signing as a court-appointed guardian, a copy of the court-appointment papers showing the legal guardianship must be attached.

Adults, other than a parent or court-appointed guardian, can sign Form W-7 only if a Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, has been signed by a parent or court-appointed guardian authorizing the individual to sign for the applicant.

Applicant is a dependent 18 years of age or older. If an applicant is 18 years of age or older, the applicant or a court-appointed guardian can sign or appoint a parent or another individual to sign. The individual (if other than the applicant) must type or print their name in the space provided and check the appropriate box that indicates their relationship to the applicant. If the individual is signing as a court-appointed guardian, a copy of the court-appointment papers showing the legal guardianship must be attached. Individuals other than the applicant or a court-appointed guardian must attach a Form 2848 from the applicant or court-appointed guardian authorizing them to sign the Form W-7.


A spouse can't sign for his or her spouse, unless the Power of attorney box is checked and Form 2848 has been attached to Form W-7.

Applicant can't sign their name. If an applicant can't sign his or her name, then the applicant must sign his or her mark (for example, an "X" or a thumbprint) in the presence of a witness. The witness's signature is also required and must be identified as that of a witness.

Note. All Powers of Attorney (POAs) submitted to the IRS must be in English. Any POAs received in a foreign language will be considered invalid unless accompanied by a certified English translation. The POA must clearly state the purpose for which it's intended under the Acts authorized section. For more information, go to

Acceptance Agent's Use ONLY

Complete all fields as appropriate and enter the eight-digit office code that was issued to you by the ITIN Program Office."

Ordering IRS  Forms

Once you have either an EIN or preferably and ITIN, you'll need the relevant forms, the first form you'll need is the 1099-OID, OID stands for original issue discount as i said. You'll have to also order these from the IRS, because they cannot be printed from just any old computer, as they have carbon copy paper underneath, so it's probably best to order them on the phone when you call up to obtain an EIN from them. The following is taken from this link on the IRS website:

"Why You Should File Your Past Due Return Now

Claim a Refund

You risk losing your refund if you don't file your return. If you are due a refund for withholding or estimated taxes, you must file your return to claim it within 3 years of the return due date. 

We hold income tax refunds in cases where our records show that one or more income tax returns are past due. We hold them until we get the past due return or receive an acceptable reason for not filing a past due return.

Help Filing Your Past Due Return

For filing help, call 1-800-829-1040 or 1-800-829-4059 for TTY/TDD

If you need information from a prior year tax return, use Get Transcript to request a return or account transcript.

Get our online tax forms and instructions"
Which leads to here:

"To file your past due return, or order them by calling 1-800-Tax-Form (1-800-829-3676) or 1-800-829-4059 for TTY/TDD.

Already Filed Your Past Due Return

If you received a notice, you should send us a copy of the past due return to the indicated address.

It takes approximately 6 weeks for us to process an accurately completed past due tax return."

Unfortunately, you can only find PDF only, for prior years:

(Only present and past year available by ordering online)

"If you're ordering Tax Year 2021 products, you should receive your order within 10 business days. We will begin accepting orders for Tax Year 2022 products on December 10, 2021. We will hold your request for 2022 products and will automatically ship them once they become available in 2022. The products you order may arrive in multiple shipments. Please do not reorder these products.

Need to Find a Product or Place a Telephone Order? Visit the Forms, Instructions & Publications page to download products or call 800-829-3676 to place an order.

Quantity Limits

1,000 each for forms (one copy of the corresponding instructions is automatically included)

25 each for instructions and publications"

Some forms are printed 2 or 3 to a sheet; so remember you order the number of forms needed, not the number of sheets.

With the 1099-A and 1099-OID, you'll usually have 3 forms per sheet, so you'll need 1 1099-A and 1 1099-OID sheet per 3 bank accounts you are claiming for.  This is assuming we still get 3 forms on each sheet, as the IRS do tend to change the forms, so i repeat, make sure to tell them how many forms you need, not how many pages when ordering on the phone.

Like i say, if you try to order online, you'll find "info copy only" or "instructions" for anything prior to this or last year, and you can't print any PDF copies you find online, so don't get excited if you come across anything that doesn't allow yoi to order forms from the IRS, because they cannot be printed. The 1040 is an exception and can be printed, in fact we need to print it, make sure it is the 1040NR, we don't order it online, the same for any 1040ES(NR)s, but more on that later. It is probably best to phone the number to request all the 1099-A, 1099-OID and 1096 forms needed for each year. We'll need one 1096 form per each sheet of 1099-OID or 1099-A we use, not per form. 

Ordering Forms Online From the IRS Website, as i said, it's probably better to order the forms we want over the phone. But the problem is getting through to speak to someone, as you may be put on hold for more than 30 minutes. I normally buy a phone card for around £5, but the problem is it may run out before getting to speak to someone at the IRS these days. 

For the current and previous year, go here:

Step 3 Filling Out The 1099-A 

Important note, always scan everything you have filled out before sending it off and use a method of postage that gives you tracking and proof, for instance Royal Mail International Signed For, in the case of overseas processes. So once we have either a temporary EIN number while we are waiting for our ITIN, or we have our ITIN, and we have received enough 1099-As, 1099-OIDs and 1096s in the post, (we'll also later need to print out a 1040NR for the same year as all these 3 were for). the next step is to start filing for a return.

The first form we fill out, if we do things in a logical step order, is the 1099-A, since the A in 1099-A, stands for acquisition or abandonment. This form can be used for reporting either one or the other, depending on whether we tick box 5 or not. Here is a step by step process for filling out the 1099-A:

Step 1 identify and report abandonment.
This means looking through your bank statement(s) for the particular year you are claiming for, and adding up all of the money that left your bank account(s), these are the funds that the bank gets to keep if you don't claim them within 3 years, in which case they become abandoned, so under admiralty salvage law, it's finers keepers. But hopefully that'll help you remember that we're using the 1099-A to identify abadonment rather than its other purpose of aqcuisition.
The total for each account will be reported on a seperate 1099-A form, so one form for each bank account (an A4 sheet usually has 3 forms remember). Also this total amount is not supposed to include cash, the reason being is that basically, whether you spent it or not, you gave it to yourself, so that means you could just pay it back into your bank account and claim it again the next year, which would be false reporting or fraud. So i'm not saying cash hasn't been claimed for, i'm just saying we're not supposed to do this, for that reason. So if you do want cash in future, well what i do is that i get cash back when i use my card at a supermarket, by asking the cashier at the checkout when paying, for cashback, that way the cash was technically already spent. Just don't pay it back into your bank account like i say.

So the 1099-A is for reporting Acquisition or Abandonment.

Box 1 date of lender's acquisition or knowledge of, this will be the date of the last bank statement of the year that you're claiming for, or loan if doing an acquisition.

Box 2 "Balance of principal outstanding", this is the total amount you have added up from your bank account, (1 bank account to each 1099-A or 1099-OID form remember).

Box 4 "Fair market value of property" = same as balance of principal outstanding.
Step 2 claim return of our interest, we are reporting an abandonment on the 1099-A. This is so that we can claim it back by reporting a withholding on form 1099-OID afterwards, so:

In box 5 "Was borrower personally liable for the debt", mark 'yes'. Only mark 'no', for an acquisition, as this will acquire the asset and close the account. This is true of whatever is relevant to the situation in question, whether that be the asset we create by spending money into existence by using a credit card, our bank account outgoings, a court case, although i think this can only be used on a court case in America, although i did try it on a court case here in the UK, i just don't know whether they went in and acquired the asset on that court case to settle and close it, because i never heard anything back, altgough maybe that's a good sign and i guess i could request info on my IRS account (more on that later). A mortgage is another one that has an asset, the promissory note/mortgage deed, although again, not sure if this works in the UK and i wouldn't like to try as there is too much at stake and there are better ways of dealing with a mortgage.

Box 6 description of property, what i have always put in this box is "Instruments issued on account", but i assume that we could just as easily put "assets held on account".

Step 4 report withholding on OID (we'll come to this further down)

Step 5 Claim a return on 1040-NR (NR stands for Non-Resident, meaning outside of the United States and as the United States is a corporation, i'll  let you decide what that Means). 

Step 4 - Filling Out The Form 1099-OID

This form is for reporting a withholding of our assets/instruments once we have reported an abandonment of them with the 1099-A.

Here  is an example of how we want to fill out the 1099-OID, (details further down)

Here is an example of a 1099-OID form, i don't know if this is how the real form looks for that year, because usually there are 3 forms per A4 sheet of paper, but like i say, they have been changing them: 

Form 1099-OID box 4 'Federal income tax withheld' is the total amount withheld, if box 4 is less than box 1 they're gonna mark it as abandonment, which is what we want

This amount will be the same amount you put on line 62a 'Federal income withheld from:

a Form(s) W-2 and 1099'

on the 1040-NR, the same amount goes in box 4 of your 1096 pertaining to total amount of all box 4s from your 1099-OIDs (but we'll come to these later

Box 1 on the 1099-OID should be the same amount as box 2 and 4 on 1099-A.

(Box 4 on the OID is the amount in OID box 1 reduced by 10% if reclaiming less than $100,000, consider reducing by 15 - 20% for larger amounts.)

IRS Form 1096 (Seen Above)

You'll also need 2 form 1096s for each year you are claiming for, one 1096 for all of your 1099-As and another for all of your 1099-OIDs for each year. The 1096 is needed to report the filing of all 1099s, so remember to order 2 for each year being claimed when you order your 1099s. Also remember, these cannot be corrected like the 1099s, so make sure to get them right first time or to order more than you need if you're worried about making a mistake.

1040-NR (Seen Above)

The 1040-NR is the non-resident alien tax return, which is for people who don't live in the physical territory of the United States, although remember, the United States they refer to is the corporation incorporated in Delaware as far as i remember. There is a process of declaring your own nation though, so if you live in America, email me for more info about this, bit if not, let's continue. This is the form that actually gets us our money, the previous two 1099s are for first establishing the amount of money to be reclaimed, now we are reclaiming in with the 1040. There are only two pages of this form that need to be filled out, pictured above, although all pages of the form once printed to be sent, even the blank ones. It can be filled out before being printed, after which it needs to be signed. If you look at the way i have filled out the images above, which are page 1 and page 2, this is how i always fill mine out. Except that the line numbers/titles sometimes change every few years, so make sure to read the instructions for each form before filling any out and especially what each line number is for, before filling them out.
So for page 1, once you've:
1. Filled in your details and ticked individual, including an ITIN as your identifying number, or an EIN if you have no ITIN yet (it's best to fill out this form, or these two pages of it before printing it); 
2. Always leave 'Filing Status' blank.
3. Leave 'Dependents' blank 
4. Type "0 00" in all of the numbered lines on the right hand side of the page and also line 22 'Total income exempt by a treaty from page 5...', then move on to page 2: 
1.  Again add '0 00' on all numbered lines on the right and also all on the left of those except line 62a 'Federal income tax withheld from: a Form (a) W-2 and 1099' and line 71 'Add lines 62a through 70. These are your total payments'. This, on both of those lines, is where the amount from box 4 of the 1099-OID goes. Don't tick any boxes or anything else. The only thing left to do now is to put SOLE PROPRIETOR in the 'Your occupation in the United States' box, the date in USA format (month/day/year) By Trustor: in the 'Your signature' box, before printing it put and signing/autographing it in ink.
To make things easier, you could send a photocopy of your 1099-OID and attach it to your 1040 when you send this in to the IRS, because it takes a while for the 1099-OID to show up on the IRS computer system, so if you send your 1040 in too early, you may get a letter from them talking about frivolous filings, fines and asking you for documentation in support of your claim. Well the 1099-OID is that documentation, so that's why it's best to include a copy with your 1040NR.

When To Send Your Forms

Remember, you'll want to make sure you send your forms off by late February in order for them to be received and processed by the cut off date which is usually, the beginning of the next tax year, on April 15th in USA, compared to April 6th in the UK. But we'll need to allow time for processing, which is why I say end of February the latest, although technically anything sent to arrive before April 15th, extended to April 18th due to covid, is fine, we want to allow for postage dealays and don't want to give the IRS any excuses for keeping our money.

Wait a couple of weeks, more like 3 after sending off your 1099s with your 1096s, before sending in your 1040, or 72 hours if you are filing electronically. Beware though, if using software like that on or for this, that it may not let you file the way we want to (certain boxes are ticked automatically etc) i never file electronically though, although it is supposed to be quicker understandably. You'll want to look either at the instructions for each form as to where to send them, or on the back of the forms. The red forms (1099s and 1096s) all go in the same A4 envelope. i send them by Royal Mail international signed for

Filing Late

1099s are not worked out after March unless they are marked corrected. An OID also has no meaning until there's a 1040 pertaining to it. So you'll want to post your 1040 by the 20th February, April 15th at the very latest, but it might not arrive by April 20th if posting from the UK and the 1099s and 1096s at least 3 weeks, but up to about 4 before that.

Sending out copy B

Copy B is for the borrower, so you send this to the banks that you have the accounts you're claiming for with.

Write on the envelope IMPORTANT (in red) TAX FORMS Enclosed (in black or blue) and send the correct copy to the Head Office of each bank.

You only claim as abandoned, the funds that leave your bank account or for credit cards. Yes, you can also OID the credit card company on top of the funds that have left your bank account, as this is new money created out of thin air, since the credit card company don't actually lend you anything yet charge you to repay these digital funds and because you created the money. We literally create money in this way, by spending it into existence and creating more debt and adding to inflation the more debt we create, unless we claim it back through this OID process, so we are literally helping to lower the international debt by doing this OID Process.

IRS Liens and Levies 

If you have a notice from the IRS stating the intention of lien or levy, that means the lien or levy will come later. If they go ahead and issue you a fine, 

IRS form 843 can be used to abate any fines or claims they allegedly have against your name.

Here is the IRS page about form 843 including PDFs of f843 and i843:

Here are a couple of YouTube videos about it:

Also IRS liens and levies come from IRS assessments.

If the IRS don't have an assessment they can't move against you civilly or criminally, with one exception being obstruction (meaning obstructing them from gathering tax information)
But these are only last resorts, as we want to make things as simple as possible both for ourselves snd for the IRS, so the first thing i do, afyer having been sent any bill, or fine by the IRS is to pay it. Pay it you say?!! Yes, pay it. Now if you haven't already, have a look at my accepted for value page, this is how i have paid any and all IRS fines i have received, with a slight twist, which i'll detail in a second. But first of all, if you get a threat for being fined after claiming your OID money, don't panic, they usually send everyone this first time around to deter them from continuing their claim, because it works. My auntie God rest her soul, back tracked on her claim because of it, as did a friend of mine.  
So if you're in trouble with the IRS, the first thing you want to do is A4V the bill,
If the IRS keep sending you bills, of increasing amountsz just keep accepting them for value, maybe they are testing you to see if you are truly congruent and truly know who you are, or maybe they just want the international debt lowered and they're using you to do so since you know what you're doing. They do threaten to not let you travel to America unless you pay this alleged debt after receiving your OID funds and may even ask you for proof that you have paid the debt the next time you claim. This is why you must scan everything before sending it off to the IRS in case you need proof, and always send international signed for so that you have a signature proving delivery. i have had to print copies of my A4V to send as proof just recently in fact. It is advisable in this case scenario, to send a conditional acceotance cover letter in giving them 30 days to acceot or deny the debt is paid, if you get to this stage, let me know and i will send you such a notice. 
Here is how i have completed the A4V process, many times for fines received (for return of my money received from them) with the IRS:

A4V'ing of IRS Fines

So if you're in trouble with the IRS, the first thing you want to do is A4V the bill,

If the IRS keep sending you bills, of increasing amounts, just keep accepting them for value, maybe they are testing you to see if you are truly congruent and truly know who you are, or maybe they just want the international debt lowered and they're using you to do so since you know what you're doing. They do threaten to not let you travel to America unless you pay this alleged debt after receiving your OID funds and may even ask you for proof that you have paid the debt the next time you claim. This is why you must scan everything before sending it off to the IRS in case you need proof, and always send international signed for so that you have a signature proving delivery. i have had to print copies of my A4V to send as proof just recently in fact. It is advisable in this case scenario, to send a conditional acceptance cover letter in giving them 30 days to acceot or deny the debt is paid, if you get to this stage, let me know and i will send you such a notice. (See my A4V page for more on A4V).

Here is how i have completed the A4V process, many times for fines received (for return of my money received from them) with the IRS:


You'll also want to accompany each A4V you do to the IRS, with a 1040ES(NR), which is a notice of payment by money order, the 'NR' stands for non-resident, just as it does in the 1040NR.

We'll want to fill it in like this, with the correct details in a black pen, after printing it off, or before if you don't mind messing about with printers.

Power of Attorney 

To complete the A4V process above, you'll also need power of attorney. Please email me for free details of how to  complete this process

Rogue Agents Etc

Just because we get a notice of fine etc from the IRS, doesn't mean it's official. There have been cases in the past of rogue IRS agents sending out "official" IRS letters or notices of fines to make a quick buck. Another reason to never use your hard earned money to pay but to use A4V instead.

Find out who did the assessment against you and send them a letter.

You do that with a Freedom of Information Act request, by simply asking "who is the agent that did the assessment between the years...?"

Obviously filling in the years you are concerned with. Then proof of claim.

With regards to a 911 form, a key to filling this out is they have to be causing you some type of harm, it can be mental terror, it can be the possibility of loss of your job, or some sort of hardship, it can be strain in your marriage if the assessment or lien or levy goes through, you're not gonna be able to pay your bills. A favourite cover-all phrase to use is "it will cause me exceptional hardship", as harming a man/woman is a crime, which is what that is. File that with the taxpayer advocate, and they have the capacity to stop any and all functions of the IRS related to thst matter, even criminal prosecutions. 

File a Freedom of Information Act Request

Simply say i want to see the matching contract, that gave this agent the authority from the Tax Inspector General, to do this action, as you can almost guarantee no authority was granted from them.  

1203B Allegation Referral Form 122217

For reporting malicious or fraudulent conduct by IRS agents, when one of those is filed against an agent they can't go any higher in their career. Start with 911 form which must be filed with the taxpayer advocate and then follow up with 122217, which must be filed with the Commissioners Complaint Department. You'll also want to CC (in your email) these forms to J. Russell George, or whoever the Treasury Inspector General of the Tax Administration currently is.

Under 20 USC 7433, if you can show they did it wilfully, the amount they have to pay you is $1M, if they do it by negligence aka by error, that's $100,000.

Freedom of Information Act Request

Sample FOIA letter

Your name or your company's name

Your address or your company's address

Your phone number (optional)


Dear Disclosure Manager:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act/Privacy Act.

I request that a copy of the following documents (identify the documents or information as specifically as possible) be provided to me. I do not wish to inspect the documents first. In order to determine my status for the applicability of fees, you should know that I am (insert a suitable description of the requester and the purpose of the request).

[Sample requester descriptions (please choose only one if applicable):

An "other" requester seeking information for personal or non-commercial use.

As proof of identity I am including a photocopy of my driver's license, notarized declaration, sworn statement, etc. (See Establishing proof of identity and right to access)

I am willing to pay fees for this request up to a maximum of $XX. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please inform me first.

Thank you for your consideration of this request.


[your signature]

For personal/business taxpayer records

Internal Revenue Service

Central Processing Unit

Stop 93A

Post Office Box 621506

Atlanta, GA 30362

Fax: 877-891-6035

Where to send your request

All requests for IRS Policy and procedure agency documents that are not already publicly available in the FOIA Library

Requirements for IRS responses

The IRS is required to determine within 20 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after the date of receipt of a request whether to comply with the request under the FOIA. The IRS must provide the requester reasons if the request is denied in whole or in part. IRS must provide information about the right to appeal any adverse determination to the head of the IRS or his or her designee under section (a)(6)(A)(i) of the FOIA.

The FOIA permits the IRS to extend the 20-day statutory time limit by 10 additional days in unusual circumstances as set forth in the FOIA and Treasury Regulation 601.702(c)(11)(i)(A)(1)-(4). These circumstances include the need to collect records from field locations, review large numbers of records, and consult with other agencies. The IRS must notify requesters of any statutory extensions.

Proof of Identity Regarding FOIA Requests

Establishing proof of identity and right to access
You must show proof of identity and demonstrate your right to access information to receive copies of documents protected under the Privacy Act or Internal Revenue Code 6103. You can establish your identity and right to access by one of the following:
Sign your FOIA request (stamped or digital signatures are unacceptable for establishing identity), include your address in the request, and attach a copy of one form of identification bearing your signature (such as a valid driver's license, passport or other government issued picture ID)
NOTE: FOIA requests seeking a Centralized Authorization File (CAF) Client Listing must attach a valid photo identification, including a signature. IRS will not accept other methods of establishing identity for these requests.Present a notarized statement swearing to or affirming your identityPresent a sworn statement as to your identity, under penalty of perjury. The sworn statement must meet the requirements of 28 USC section 1746. (You may include in your FOIA request "I declare under penalty of perjury of the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on [date]. I am [your name] and I am requesting....")Provide an official document showing proof of entitlement as the sole proprietor, member of partnership, corporate officer, shareholder, etc., if requesting the records of a business.For records of a deceased individual you must provide a document showing proof of status as administrator, executor, or trustee of estate; if an heir at law, next of kin, or beneficiary under the will, you must provide proof of a material interest which will be affected by information contained in the requested documents and proof of the kinship, e.g., a copy of birth certificate or will.

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