What are they?
What's A Licence Really?
A licence is something which gives you permission to do some sort of activity which is regulated by some government body or organisation, for the purpose of keeping a database of licensees and for making sure they follow the safety guidelines... Or is It? The thing about this, is that you can't get a licence which would entitle you to do something which is normally illegal, so the only thing a licence could be needed for is for safety reasons, right? Oh yeah, there's also for revenue purposes... Nope, I didn't forget that one, God bless those banksters and their national debt eh? Anyway, if they can only licence us to do things which are already legal, and nothing that is illegal, doesn't that mean it's something we could already do without the need for a licence and therefore doesn't require a licence to do? I'll leave you to think about that one.
Do You Need A TV Licence?
Just in case anyone is not aware, not everyone needs a TV licence for owning a TV... Even typing the word TV and licence together seems strange to me, it's not like owning a car or a gun after all, both of which can obviously potentially harm someone, and you don't need to pass some test to ensure you operate it safely, so it seems very strange and even laughable to me asking someone if they've got a TV licence... Anyway that's just my thoughts on it. Here's a post from the TV licensing website:"Remember, you don't need a TV Licence if:
you don't watch or record TV programmes live on any channel or device
AND you don't watch or download any BBC programmes on iPlayer.
You also don't need a TV Licence if your home is empty and no one is living there.
If you don't need a licence, please let us know.
You can:
tell us on this websitespeak to us on 0300 790 6114*write to us at TV Licensing, Darlington DL98 1TL.
Once you tell us you don't need a TV Licence, we will stop sending you letters. We may send a TV Licensing Officer to your home, to confirm you don't need a licence. We will then contact you again after 2 years, to check whether you still don't need a licence.
Why we need you to tell us:We may send an officer to your home because, if you do not get a TV Licence when you need one, you will be breaking the law. This means you could have to go to court and you might get a fine. The fine could be up to £1,000."
The next page is dedicated to dealing with TV licences, so let's carry on to page 13:
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