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Clash of the Egos
Being a knowledge seeker, involved in the truth movement, empowering people and searching for answers for many years, my own journey into self empowerment first starting over two decades ago now, nearly three in fact at time of writing, I have come across many people who not only hold themselves back, but have even tried to belittle, disrespect, insult, intimidate, ridicule, deny or dismiss myself or knowledge I have presented to them, simply because of the fact that they have limiting beliefs which offer them a sense of comfort, which also give them discomfort when challenged by new information which sheds a light on the beliefs they believe to be true, brings them under the spotlight, questions and challenges said beliefs, and rather than consider this new information, they would rather cling to their old inaccurate beliefs, use ego as a shield to hide behind and try to poke holes in either the new information, the source of that new information, without even doing any research into it or its source, or even considering it, or would rather question my intelligence or integrity. Because in their narrow, limited view, their own naivety, never becomes part of the equation, nor do they consider that the sources of their beliefs come into it, also due to this naivety, or possibly an oversized, comfort giving ego.
This is what I seek to address on this page. Because mindset is important, in all things. Mindset determines how we approach new information and impacts our ability to learn and therefore move forward in life, so it could be the reason for someone feeling stuck in life, stuck in a rut, or lost. It determines our success, literally, whether we succeed or fail, in every area of life. And when I say fail, I mean trying something once and giving up. Because if you try something once, don't manage to complete it, yet you learn something from that experience, to me that is not failure, that is success. Because you can then come back to try again, not only with more experience and more knowledge, but with more enthusiasm and energy. Remember a baby crawls and falls many times, probably thousands, usually with a smile, before he or she learns to walk. If an adult approached life with the same attitude, many things will be more possible.
Question Everything! Limiting vs Empowering Beliefs
Limiting beliefs are ones that place a limit on what we can do in our lives. Keeping blocked from our true potential and purpose and locked in our comfort zones.
Empowering beliefs are ones that empower us to achieve what we are capable of in life. They give keep us open to opportunities and give us confidence to succeed, giving us growth by helping us challenge ourselves by stepping out of our comfort zones.
Unfortunately, most people aren't present enough or simply don't have the consciousness of thought, self awareness, foresight, or insight enough to question their own thoughts and where they come from. They cling to the comfort of ego, using it as a buffer to orevent themselves from ever stepping out of that comfort zone into the challenging place where growth and empowerment happens. They hold themselves back through their own limiting beliefs, and rather than questioning or challenging them they cling to them for dear life, as a sort of comfort blanket, dismissing anything which doesn't fit into or comply with these beliefs, without even considering where tgese beliefs cone from, or where the new information comes from which challenges these beliefs, whilst simultaneously wondering why they just aren't moving forward in terms of their own personal power.
The fact that these beliefs they cling to are the very thing holding them back in their lives.
How To Identify Limiting Beliefs
When we take a look at our lives, it is rare to not find at least one area of it that we are not happy with. This is a sign that we have limiting beliefs holding us back in the particular area(s) that we are unhappy with, or with which we find too hard or even feel is impossible to remedy or improve.
There are 3 areas with which we will find limiting beliefs around either one or all of. Those 3 areas are health, wealth and relationships.
New knowledge which will help us, is the only way to overcome these limiting beliefs, but the problem is these limiting beliefs may be stopping us from accepting new knowledge, because it involves stepping out of our comfort zones, which is uncomfortable and unlike the comfortable place ego provides for us. Because growth is challenging and ucomfortable.
So limiting beliefs are a great way to provide excuses to ourselves as to why we shouldn't do or believe something new or challenging.
Yet, if we always do what we've always done, we'll always get what we've always gotten, so ego is not the place that change happens in other words. To paraphrase what Einstein said "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is the first sign of madness".
But if you're happy with all 3 of those areas of your life that I mentioned, then there is no need for change of course.
But such a balanced life is rare and even a life balanced in all of these 3 areas, like spinning plates, still requires maintenence.
So how do we maintain, or more than likely, improve one, or all three of these areas of our lives? is an important question to ask. The answer is first to identify which area you wish to improve and secondly to gain the new knowledge needed to improve that area of our lives to, thirdly, put into practice. But we cannot do this if we are unwilling to challenge or accept uncomfortable truths and would rather cling on to old, limiting beliefs, which no longer serve us, simply because they are comfortable. It can be hard to do so, to come to terms with the fact that some of our beliefs are wrong, because it is ego's job after all, to protect us from stepping into uncomfortable situations, or accepting uncomfortable truths, which can be especially uncomfortable or even distressing to accept, when we have believed them and clung onto them for so long.
So Where Do Limiting Beliefs Come From?
Well they can be passed down from parents or other family members in our young life, society as a whole and even friends and colleagues can influence our beliefs. Remember the saying which tells us to be careful of the company we keep? Well it's true, we should be careful not to let their limiting beliefs rub off on us, but knowing the difference between limiting beliefs and empowering beliefs can act as a shield against limiting beliefs from others and sharing this knowledge with your peer group or social circle can also in turn help protect them against their own limiting beliefs. Another reason a limiting belief can be so hard to change or get rid of, is because in the past we came to believe some of them for very good reasons, they helped us get through hard times that we would not have been able to cope with without these beliefs, they literally saved us. For instance, they may have shieled us from childhood traumas we went through, by reframing a situation in our mind, and softened the mental and emotional pain we experienced from these sitiations by giving us a belief which distorted reality to protect us from an uncomfortable truth. For instance, it's not that dad doesn't love me, he beats me, shouts at me, or he left me because I'm not worthy of love.
Or maybe your experience was that your mother or father didn't show you affection as a child, favoured another sibling, or even just told you something hurtful, which as a child, listening to and believing a parent, who in a young child's eyes knows everything and is infallible, you believed to be true, for instance, in the form of a question and answer "what's wrong with you? you're so slow!" And rather than to tell ourselves or mum or dad aren't perfect or infallible, because we love them, we'd rather believe this, that there's something wtong with us. And it sticks with us, sometimes for decades, because we never question our own beliefs and where they come from, so these beliefs still cause trouble in our lives, even though where they once served us, they no longer are.
Limitations Are For The Limited
The record set in the 1949s, was 4 minutes and 1 second and people continually "proved" that no one could go any faster.
Doctors and scientists told us it was impossible to run any faster as the human body would just collapse under the pressure.
It was culturally accepted that no one could ever do it.
Then suddenly, Roger Bannister ran a mile in 3 minutes and 59 seconds.
Not only did he break the old record, he changed the belief held by society about it being impossible, and others soon followed suit. Forty six days after Bannister broke the four minute mile record, John Landy then broke Bannister's record. And more and more people, still continue to run a mile in less than four minutes.
Once you start believing something is possible, it becomes possible. The mind starts to look at ways it can be possible, rather than finding excuses as to why it is not.
The potential of mankind is unlimited, that's why I say limitations are for the limited. So let's stop looking for reasons or excuses not to do something and start looking for ways how we can.
Obviously I'm not talking about putting yourself or others into harns way or doing stupid, reckkess things. I'm just trying to open your mind to considering possibilitues and opportunities and solutions you might not have considered, due to false, disempowering, limiting beliefs and a lack of knowledge or perspective.
Remember, the weeping willow who is not rigid, but changes when the need arises. This is the tree that withstands even the harshest storms and challenges thrown at it, outlasting the strong but rigid, mighty oak tree, which does not bend with change.
May you be as durable as the weeping willow to withstand difficukt tines and have insight enough to know when to change, not only in order to survive, but to thrive in life.
Health, Wealth and Relationships
If you seek knowledge and advice in the above 3 areas of life, look no further:
Here Are More Resources For You To Continue To Empower Your Life

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