Lawful Remedies

Lawful Remedies for PCNs

For those of us that drive, although this is not a word I recommend using, (see my previous 'protect-your-car' page), but for those of us that travel, to use the correct word, we've probably all had that sinking feeling we feel when we return to where we've parked our car, only to spot a bright yellow fun filled present on our windscreen. Yes, I'm talking about penalty charge notices aka PCNs. Well believe it or not, PCNs are not so hard to deal with. It may feel stressful having to go through this experience in the first place, and to deal with one will certainly take some effort on our part and some of our time, which we'd obviously rather be spent doing other things. But once we've done it once, we can see how easy it actually is to handle. This process is for Penalty Charge Notices issued by the council, if you are looking for a remedy to privately issued parking fines, head over to this page instead: https://Law-5.webnode.com/notice-writing-restricted or see my conditional acceptances page.

Please make sure this is what you're looking for before paying the donation, or if not then send a message to ask first as I can't offer a refund simply because you accidentally paid for the wrong process, it wouldn't be fair to people who have paid to access it if you got it for free would it? But anyway, if you are sure, then it is available through PayPal for a £70* payment at the following link or QR code:

There are other costs of around £10 associated with this process for your own expenses

Also available for just slightly under £70 worth of Satoshis at time of writing:


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