Restoration of Property

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Car removed/impounded/clamped:
He trespassed upon my property without right and i demand compensation of £9,800
If they wanna ask for a bill of particulars/a more concise claim say "he interfered with my right to property".
A claim is the common law side of the court, a complaint is the civil side of the court. (personal injury claim very civil rights action)

[31/07/2020, 10:32] N P: i hereby notify the court of the fact that if anybody does anything on my behalf today or afterwards, they are acting under full liability, i do not consent to these proceedings.

[31/07/2020, 10:38] N P: Ask for forgiveness in court:

Bring forth the man or woman that i've trespassed upon so i can be given forgiveness of what i've done wrong, if no man or woman's gonna come forth and make a claim i wish to be let go.

Explain to them "i am not part of this legal society, i am a man, i have no understanding of your legalese process or procedures", they can't hold you liable for something you're not a part of.

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