Restricting Your Signature
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Restricting Your Signature
When signing documents you want to restrict your signature/autograph, because it is very valuable, remember i said on a previous page, that your signature creates money?
Well those people in government or banking that use your signature to authorise money creation are not gonna tell you this because if they did the game would be up and you probably wouldn't continue to do this for them. Besides that, it's only those at the top of the food chain that know, not even bank managers know what happens to documents that you signed or that your signature monetises them.
But you only have to look at the Bills of Exchange Act 1882 for it to become clear.
The Rockerfeller schooling system has taught us well not to ask questions and has pulled the wool over our eyes, but I digress. Below are a few ways to restrict your signature and the purpose of these different restrictions:
'Without prejudice' means they can't present the document you have just signed in a court of law.
'All rights reserved' means you're [p]reserving all the rights you had before signing, no matter what happens.
'Non-assumpsit' means you're not accepting any obligations that have not been expressly stated, as an assumpsit is an assumption that you sit on (accept) any hidden duties imposed on you. (You can shorten it to n.a. or na)
'©' means you're copyrighting your name, so you can sue them if they try to use it for any commercial purpose, especially a purpose which harms you.
V. C. Stands for the Latin Vi Coactus and means 'under duress', you can put this before or after your signature when you are in fear that if you don't sign something you may be harmed for instance.
The same with U. D. for under duress, except V. C. is less conspicuous in the case where you're told not to put U. D. and of course a signing taken under duress can later be shown to be invalid. The same can be said if you are searched, after having said "i do not consent to search", anything found can be later thrown out of evidence.
Also if you put an ellipse (3 dots) after your signature, that means something is missing. Just what is missing can be determined any time after the fact that you wish of course.
When asked for your name, or writing your name, it should be written in the following format: 'John-Alan: Doe', that's first name, dash, second/middle name, colon, family name. You can ask for a piece of paper if it a policy enforcement officer asking for it. Avoid writing your name in block capitals, no matter what form you are writing on and avoid using any titles, whether Mr, Mrs, Miss, Dr, etc, as this is a representation, you don't want anyone or anything representing you, because this will always re-present you in a diminished capacity, whereas [wo]man is whole and complete, so as Bob Marley said "don't let them change ya, or even rearrange ya", because this is what they are trying to do, because [wo]man was created equal, so no one has the right to power over another generally speaking, unless they are given consent (remember Teresa May telling us they govern by consent) this is one of many ways they attempt to gain your consent, which is unspoken agreement by actions, it is different to assent, assent is expressed agreement, whether written or verbal.
And speaking of general, this is another reason you want to restrict your signature, because if you don't then it is assumed to be a general signature, meaning one they can do what they please with as is unspecified, not special/specific. The same goes for court, they would rather you make a general appearance or are re-presented by a solicitor/attorney etc for the same reason, which is why we always want to make a special appearance, where appropriate - some courts are not real and are just places of business, in fact anything with service in its title is a business, for example 'The Courts and Tribunals Service', but some of them are only for doing business and making a profit, so you won't find any remedy in those places, so it is best to seek the opinion of another court/the high court. Remember though, it's always best to agree upon condition(s) - of your own addition.
Why Use A Signature At All?
That is a good point to remember, because there is no law stating you have to sign your name, as a signature is any mark on the page deemed by the signer to be their mark. For instance, i have previously signed an x, on entry into a court house, when accompanying a friend. We were only there to ask about his council tax case, they told us "it's nothing to do with us, go ask the council".
We can therefore just write "all rights reserved" or "without prejudice", as our signature and nothing else. We don't even have to sign our name, so it's best not to. It's best just to deem those words as our mark, in clear, printed writing. If there is any fuss I would simply say I have made my mark as requested. Or alternately ask "have I not already made my mark?" It doesn't matter what we are signing this way either, whether it is a bond or a statement or whatever, a mark is a mark.
Copyrighting Your Name
Copyrighting your name can be done by sending a notice to a newspaper which deals with public and legal notices. In the UK this is the Gazette, which seems to be run by TSO (The Stationary Office - formerly the Queen's Stationary Office) found here:
If you are in America, they'll usually be a newspaper in your state that publishes public/legal notices.
More on this process later.
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