If you're interested to know how I have previously and successfully dealt with train fines in the past, then you're in the right place.
I will reiterate that nothing on this website is legal advice, but that I have also tried and tested the remedy I present on the following page, which can be accessed for a donation of £55. A lot less than the standard £550 that is usually issued in a Magistrates court for travelling without a valid train ticket.
When dealing with lawful issues, I also seek to be as efficient as possible, meaning I want to use as little of my time an energy as possible when dealing with matters of law. So the remedy I present, which I have successfully used is also the easiest possible way to deal with train fines, so you can call it the path of least resistance. This remedy is actually so simple is might surprise you, but I hope it satisfies and even entertains you, as I certainly had fun testing it, even if it was scary at first. Enjoy: