In the UK we have certain rights and protections. These do not come from the law society aka the BAR, or British Attorney Register. On the contrary, they were in place way before the legal society was formed, hundreds or thousands of years before in fact. No, our rights, under common law [of the land] as opposed to common case law which are under unconstitutional statutes, acts, legislation etc, come from our age old customs. These customs are found written into the British consitutution. The Consitution in the UK, unlike America who has a document entitled as such, is fragmented and comes in the form of many documents. Those documents, namely The Charta of Liberties 1100 Magna Charta 1215, The Statute of Praemunire (The Treason Act) 1351 and 1392 (repealed by the aptly named Criminal Law Act 1967), The Act of Supremacy 1559, The Bill of Rights 1689, The Petition of Rights 1628, They all basically reiterate the main protections we have under law, previously established by King Alfred the Great. Basically that no man or woman can be prosecuted, including being fined, before conviction, upon his own unsupported statement, and has a right to face his or her accuser, because in the UK we are innocent until proven guilty. A King or Queen in this country and any common law country neither makes the law, nor is above the law, but in fact swears an oath to uphold the law. It has been this way since King Alfred the Great, over 1000 years ago (he was born in 871 AD). Reading this, you may be saying to yourself "that's not true, people are fined or convicted of other crimes before conviction in a court". Well that is true, which just goes to show we live under a tyrannical government. But the reason for this is because we don't know who we are, at least in the sense of the law anyway. But it's only because we, the people have let it get that way, and although it's not our fault due to a lack of education, but it is up to us to educate ourselves and learn how to stand up to corruption, but that is what this website is about. For a more detaiked look at the UK Constitution, I recommend you take a look at a book called 'The Layman's Guide to the English Constitution' by Albert Burgess.