Train Fine Remedy

Train Fines Be Gone

Train  Fine Remedy

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Firstly Protect Your Car 

So, first of all, this is not legal advice, so l present you my lawful remedy. 
Personally, if I had a car and received a train fine, I'd want to make sure that it's safe by putting it into trust. See my following page if you don't know how to do that: 

 Secondly Protect Your Home

You may initially get visits from debt collectors, which is why I made a notice which people can put on their front door to get rid of debt collectors. I also have it on my front door too. You'll notice that I said debt collectors, rather than bailiffs btw. The funny thing about train fines is, although TFL and the British Transport Police like to class travelling without a train ticket as a criminal offence, they only put these cases before a magistrate in a magistrates court, or what I like to call a kangaroo court, they never use a higher court, like the High Court for instance, which is a real court, complete with real court bailiffs. If you have these court bailiffs or county sheriffs visit you, that means you have committed a crime, so my question is, if travelling without a ticket is a criminal offence, then why do we never get visited by these county sheriffs for doing so? Answer, because when they say it's a criminal offence, they're lying. Maybe if you sign something to agree that it's a criminal offence, then it could possibly be classed as one, but never without your consent. I suggest you read my home page and also my signatures page for more info on that if you haven't already, or if you need a recap. 
Here is a link to my notice for our front doors:
Personally, I wouldn't open the door to these debt collectors, even if they happened to be accompanied by police, which has never happened to me, but if the police were there, it would just be for initimidation, as they have no other reason to be there. 
If you are really scared about this happening or about accidentally opening the door and being confronted by debt collectors or police, then send me an email and I'll put together some simple training for you or can train you over the phone for a fee. Otherwise, let's continue dealing with the train fine

Thirdly Get Rid of The Train Fine

Since this train fine has not gone to a real court but a magistrates court, the remedy is simple. All I simply do is write on the front of the letter I receive from a magistrates court 'No Contract - Return To Sender', and put it straight back in the post box. You can always steam the letters open and scsn them for your recirds, but there's no need except to quench your curiosity. 
You will get more letters, the first letter will be from TFL threatening to go to court and the second, third, fourth and maybe more will probably be from the magistrates court, and althougg it will say summons, it is just an invite and has no more authority that an invite to a party. You can turn an invite to a magistrates court down, just as you can an invite to a party, as their is no obligation under law. In fact I'd say an invite to a party has more authority than an invite aka summons to a magistrates court, as you have obligations to your friends, even if they are only social obligations.
They may even stop sending you letters for a whole year btw and then send you another letter inviting you to court again, but it is only a magistrates court each time. I would never accept their invitations to court by turning up to the magiatrates court, because that gives them your consent. I would only turn up if it is a higher court like the High Court for instance, which it never will be. 
So there you have it, that is your simple remedy. As long as you are comfortable dealing with debt collectors and instruct anyone else livibg with you not to let them in and in fact I'd say, not to open the door, then you'll be fine. In fact it is other peoole you live with that are the biggest threat, as they might give in to fear even if you teach them, by letting the debt collectors convince them that they know more than you and to believe their lies about the law. That's why I've designed dealing with interlopers cheat sheet, which has a method for every eventuality or argument the debt collectors might throw at you and can simply be looked at for responses right there and then, even when under pressure and being confronted. So go to my cobtact page and get in contact if interested.

What About Criminal Records?

So long as you didn't sign anything, then you have no need to worry about being wanted by police or having a criminal record, even if they say they have cautioned you. That is, unless you accept their invitation to court and actually turn up, as then you possibly are giving them your consent to give you a criminal record. Other than that, you won't have to worry about police turning up at your address with a warrant for your arrest. But even if that happened, for this so called 'crime', there is still an easy remedy for that. Email me for more info if needed. 

What About My Credit Report? 

You also have no reason to worry about your credit report being tainted because so long as you don't accept their invitation to show up to the magistrates court, then your credit court won't be affected. 

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